
Everyone's parents were murdered.

Oh, well, maybe I should finally see that, then…

I don't have an edit profile option. Is it because I created an AV Club account instead of a Disqus one?

I can't figure out how to get an avatar and I really want one!!!

And that's the problem. You have a director depicting a rape and not only failing to recognize it as such, but actively trying to muddy the idea that it might even be a rape.

Or, if you didn't like it, not watching anymore was probably a good call.

Yup. Pretty much. Not that they were ever going to deal with it, but now that he's Agent Judas Backstab!, it'll probably never be mentioned again.

Milk and Cheese!


I haven't been in a comic store in a while, but I'm thinking I might need to go pick this up. The best thing to do with classic properties like that is to treat the source material respectfully and remember that it's fun. None of this making fun of the most memorable elements or making it needlessly grim and gritty.

I've always said "fuck Cyclops."

The argument about the episode was that Ward knew Lorelei has mind control powers that could be activated through touch and that he wasn't careful enough in letting her touch him, therefore, whatever happened to him was his own fault. Since he's mind controlled, when they have sex, he is depicted as being clearly into

I never said it did. My overall point was how resistant people seem to be acknowledging that what they saw depicted was a rape as well as the frighteningly blind eye the people producing the shows turn to it, not that they really acknowledge it.

I got into a big debate about the Agents of SHIELD episode with Lorelei that Agent Ward was raped, something the show came nowhere near acknowledging. He was mind-controlled when it happened, negating any possibility of consent. Similarly, the same debates about what constitutes consent are cropping up with this

tAnd Jaime's biggest "dishonor" was done to save literally thousands of people from a horrible death at the hands of a madman. Yes, he broke an oath, but if he hadn't, his "sin" would have been so much worse. Jaime, like Tyrion, adopts an affectation of not giving a shit to deal with what people say about him, but

The other big aspect of stuff like "Men's Rights" and it's other cousins (straight pride, "what about white history month?") is the weird jealousy that seems to arise from other groups having their difficulties being addressed and remedied and the immature, ignorant "what about me?" response.

I got that too, but weird fleshy, baby Lich was just too awesome. I love that he still had his horns, just housed in flesh.

No, it gets pretty damn plodding. I remember one episode where Eren, Armin, and Mikasa are told they have 20 seconds to decide something, and their internal monologs and discussion about what to do drags the scene out for a good seven minutes.

"Look, dad, I'm a surfer!"

Are Rod and Todd at Springfield elementary? I can't recall every seeing them at the school.