History Professor at New Carth



Why nothing about the Residents' "Meet the Residents" cover art?

Why nothing about the Residents' "Meet the Residents" cover art?

How about REAL Beatlemania?

How about REAL Beatlemania?

'Mer'kin Xians - dumb, ignorant, and evil.  Having no lives of their own, they feed upon the emotions, positive and negative, of those who live.

'Mer'kin Xians - dumb, ignorant, and evil.  Having no lives of their own, they feed upon the emotions, positive and negative, of those who live.

No doubt, but the problem is how many he turned on.  Those same sort of people are always around, seeking the same excuses to commit the same abuses.

No doubt, but the problem is how many he turned on.  Those same sort of people are always around, seeking the same excuses to commit the same abuses.

Given the fucked-in-the-ass-and-head time this was made, BM had to have one of those Bible-totems, but of course a bible would not elicit any sympathy from any ordinary audiience today, save the self-satisfied kooks who made "Fireproof" the worst hit movie ever made.

Given the fucked-in-the-ass-and-head time this was made, BM had to have one of those Bible-totems, but of course a bible would not elicit any sympathy from any ordinary audiience today, save the self-satisfied kooks who made "Fireproof" the worst hit movie ever made.

I thought VS was like Tipsy McStagger.

You're not alone. 
I automatically skipped from the Old Forest to the Barrowdowns for years, but now consider Bombadil's chapters among my very favorites - and somehow vitally important to the novel.

Disneyland is an American take on the Shavian version of Hell.

Ted received a personal promise from Mitt about the 2nd (and only important) Amendment.

Beloved AVC!

Your I'm-a-Piece-of-Shit Troll act is not only boring, but reflects very accurately what a tiresome piece of shit you are as a "person".

My favorite, before I knew what it meant, was Sidekick Samurai's, when asked if he had been scared while he hid in the moat under the water plants while the walls of the burning castle fell down and he "thought it was the end"," he replies "Betsu ni" - usually subtitled as "Not really" buteven more vaguely casual in

2/3 of this joke I like, but why The Godfather?