SB threw in a Xian blow job for both of them each day.
SB threw in a Xian blow job for both of them each day.
Never heard of this shit before.
I have no idea who this Armand shit is, or even what species, but I think I'd like to shake the hand of the shooter responsible for preventing said shit from smiling, while disputing that such species of shit can possibly be made into "morons" or have that slight bulge of nerves that faintly resembles a brain damaged…
And Voight is an asshole wingnut so big a family of these giant anacondas could hole up inside and still have space to stake out an 18-hole golf course.
I'd guess eating Chuck Norris would kill a fucking 400-foot anaconda, even if it vomited him back up faster than the young Norris could get beaten by Bruce Lee.
!Abridged" What the FUCK are you talking about?
I just re-read it, literally, yesterday. It still manages to be, despite HM's usual excesses, a great and entertaining and funny and sad book, right to the end - even with the expected cheats.
Not a great book, at least in Japanese - and therefore unlikely to have improved even a lick through translation - but I frankly doubt C Williams read the entire thing before writing this rather obviously shallow and petty article.
I'd only read bits and pieces about these films, but am working through the boxed set.
So, now you're a full-time asshole.
Let's not hate Jesus, despite all of his bland and sometimes tiresome and slightly offensive blathering - and despite him being mostly, perhaps entirely, fictional - let's just ignore him.
Actually, I dug the Madane Bovary recommendation, since the eponymous character alwaays gets exactly what she wants, but finds it to be nothing like what her silliness imagined, ending with her suicide that, instead of being romantic and beautifully, tears her apart.
Can we throw him in a hole and bury him, legally, now? He's been dead for years and years and years.
Retarded is what you know best, after all.
97% believers and 3% atheists?
The old one with the Xifiles guy before he became famous and the sexy girl with the Pearl of Great Price tatooed over her bod?
I know where they are - ALL of them! And you - ALL of you! - will. too…