
Also what happened to Elvis, according to that Bubba Ho-Tep documentary from a few years back.

I really liked him as College Humour Batman.

You're thinking of "Shear", the 1984 Verhoeven-directed Gibson-adaptation I just invented. Which coincidentally stars a peak James Woods as a frazzled low-level data mining manager who bites off more than he can chew, and, in his big screen debut, 15 year-old Peter Oswalt as the street smart techno-urchin who

Perot: #canIfinish

He's clearly a malfunctioning host.

Late Great Movies on CityTV Toronto in the 90s anyone? RIP Mark Daly.


You got your Emma's crossed. Thompson's Newsweek interview is attributed to Watson.

Just wanted to point out that the star is in fact, Canadian. Sorry.

Does Moon count?

What kind of fucking horseshit is this? I'll pull the car around, you get your coat. These fuckers don't have any Sierra Mist!

If I recall, Darker Image showcased Maxx, Dale Keown's PITT, Lee's Deathblow (I think?) and Liefeld's contribution was something appropriate like BludWulf, which I believe was a Lobo parody that didn't understand Lobo was already a parody? I only read Maxx and PITT, but I remember the Wizard cover pretty vividly. I

I'm with you on this one. I love a lot of Moore's stuff, but I raised this exact point back when Before Watchmen was coming out and everyone wanted to lynch Darwyn Cooke. It's a great bit of cognitive dissonance on both Moore and his fan's part (and I consider myself a fan). Adapting and putting your own spin on

He and Simon Pegg had a great bit on Comedy Bang Bang where they're impersonating Sean Connery and Michael Caine respectively, and then switch roles halfway through without missing a beat.

Did you see the motorcycle? Cap flipped the bitch!

To death, bro.

Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!

When I was 16 I went to see Juliana Hatfield in Toronto and Jeff Buckley was opening. I had no idea who he was and he blew the fucking roof off. A good portion of the crowd were there just to see him, as evidenced by the obvious despair that his set was relatively short and he couldn't do an encore; many people left

Someone had suggested Alec Baldwin earlier; I think he could have pulled it off as well, but it would probably be a little too much Jack Donaghy.