
If you support fair treatment and equal opportunity for women, then you are a "feminist." Feminism isn't some radical philosophy. It's basic moral decency. Civil rights.

Today is the day that Trump TRULY became a president who removes 1 of the 3 self-professed neo-Nazis in his administration for leaking unflattering stories about him.

Xena: Warrior Princess.

Like a lot of people, this was the only "existing character" spinoff I actively wanted to see. Daldry is a really interesting choice — I'm glad they didn't just go with an action director or a flavor-of-the-month.

Because he's a former reality show host and pop culture figure who is constantly on TV. He also draws widespread condemnation from many Hollywood celebrities who hold the "radical" "alt-left" opinion that Nazis aren't good people.

I'll say it again: Trump and his supporters are neo-Nazis. No qualifiers needed.

I don't think prison has interior decorators.

This is the last gasp of shitbaggery. Bring it on, neo-Nazi bitches. If you want to know who wins, open a book (or at least go to Wikipedia) and see what happened to the original Nazis. Go see who won the Civil War.

Oh, he's going down too. Pence is dirty as hell for his ties to Manafort and the fact that he was in charge of the transition team.

No, I'm with you. I just don't think "free speech" is the problem. It's the right's constant illegal calls to violence that need to be treated without mercy. These neo-Nazis are not outliers; their core beliefs are typical of today's conservatives.

They can say what they want. But when they promote and commit murder (which is their default setting), there can be zero tolerance. Bullies are cowards…fight back and they'll run screaming back into their (moms') basements.

He was a registered Republican. Good luck finding that child sex ring at Chuck E. Cheese!

He didn't punch a guy in a bar fight. HE RAN INTO A CROWD OF PEOPLE WITH HIS CAR.

That poor widdle terrorist! I hope his snowflake feelings didn't get too hurt when he was murdering innocent people on behalf of his white master race!

They hold neo-Nazi beliefs (e.g. America "belongs" to whites).
They vote for politicians who hold neo-Nazi beliefs.
They vigorously defend neo-Nazi terrorism.

Trump supporters are neo-Nazis, plain and simple. Anything else is just a euphemism.

The Master was a dull, monotonous mess and Inherent Vice was half-assed and totally forgettable.

First it was Sexy Aunt May. Now it's Sexy Jafar. I expect Ursula to be a healthy size-6.

He doesn't have a long track record, but what he does have is pretty great and perfect for Star Wars.

That's originally why I wanted him for Episode 9. He would absolutely have had 18 months to do it if he got the job in the first place.