
I feel like that is a false maturation…Elijah likes to hear himself talk and convince himself he is growing into himself, but really he's kind of a flake when it comes to life in general.

This episode was definitely better than the last one. I love what they've done with Huck, who is just shutting himself down and convincing himself to jettison the thought of losing Olivia so he does not have to deal with it. What I felt was a little ridiculous and felt kind of gross was Fitz's final monologue about…

I would argue that there has been some growth. Most of it is not apparent, but I've noticed a lot more of it in Shoshanna, Ray, and Adam. Marnie and Hannah is the most minute ways. The only one I would say who has not really grown much is Jessa or Elijah.

I actually felt like Metcalf deserved a Emmy nomination for her work last season! Loved it!