
"a decision that effects countless families throughout the United States."
Affects, Erik, affects.

Melissa McCarthy hosted for the 5th time just recently to little fanfare. Seems like the women don't get as much attention, which is particularly weird because there aren't as many female hosts.

It wasn't until the 3rd or 4th time that I understood her to be saying cement.

I agree. There's slow burn, build-up to a storm, but the pacing is really odd and disjointed. An episode ends, and I have trouble remembering what happened.

"U of I" doesn't even make sense for Indiana University (it's not University of Indiana). Loved seeing that clip from Breaking Away, one of my favorite early '80s films. Does Stan have a VCR or a Betamax, I wonder? ;-)

Good question. Living in Illinois, I know University of Illinois as "U of I" and Indiana University as "IU". University of Iowa is "Iowa", just 'cause.

I thought Lois Smith was made up to look believably older. Lots of spots added to her face.

I wish she HAD turned up at a trail. That might have had a shot at being interesting.

"Christine Baranski mesmerizes during Diane’s quiet, desperate apology to Kurt" Ugh, this made me cringe. WTF did she have to apologize for? The guy testifies as an expert witness all the time. He knows the game. I've never bought them as a couple anyway, and watching her get off on firearms was skeevy.

Now that the show is in season 4, you finally have your answer!

Nice to see Mr. Baker on a quality TV show.

Chicago is a thriving theater city and could fill all the bit roles on TGW with no difficulty, as is currently happening with series like Chicago Fire and Chicago PD.

This episode seems to have taken place in mid-June, when the days are at their longest. Bobby is supposed to be 13 (or will be by October) and Gene is now 7. They both come off as younger.

Kevin does not look 4 years old. All the little boys on this show seem to suffer from stunted growth.

Sally's birthday falls before Mother's Day, so she has already turned 16 off-screen. Peggy's birthday, however, is May 25, so it went unmentioned in this episode (as I'm sure Peggy, now 31, wants it).

May 24 - 27, 1970, which fell on Sunday through Wednesday. When Megan called Don upon his return from Rye, it was Sunday evening in NY (Don likely had had the boys for the weekend). She said the movers were coming on Wednesday. The next day/evening, Don tracked down Diana at the restaurant. On Tuesday, he stayed