Ursula the Sea Bitch

You know she’s such a fool for him…
She’s got a ring around her finger.
And Abed hired an Irish singer
Britta’s marrying
Britta’s marrying
Britta’s marrying Jeffrey Winger.

No thanks HBO…If I wanted to hate-watch a bunch of queens, I'd hang out in Chelsea.

I don't know nothin' bout botherin' no babies!

Wait, so the b-frendz profile I created is fake?

I always think I'll do well on the test because I do alright watching at home but then during the test I end up choking like a baby eating Skittles. There won't be any Trebek-fondling in my future.

My only regret…is that I have…boneitis.

Roxxxy and Jinkx can just call it a day…they've been Thunderfuck'd!!

Damn I love this show. Bob Mackie's comment about Jinkx looking like Bette Davis in Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte will be my go-to funny for weeks!

I find myself saying this in so many different situations.

That was some stunt queen bullshit Ru….it's not like we weren't going to watch the reunion.  How else would we find out why Willam was disqualified?

I would absolut-ly love to see that.

I think Kenya will be coming back, if only so the other queens can address the comments she wrote in her letter.

Man, this show delivers every week.  Normally I'm bored of reality shows by the 4th season but Ru & Crew continue to bring it!

I think it was the outfit he wore to his birthday roast.

True.  I'm so five months ago.

I'm gay as Christmas in Paree but I'd still motorboat the hell out of Joan Halloway-Harris.

The welcome return of the Mulatto Butts ringtone!  It's no Cat Party, but it'll do.  So glad my phone has Bluetube.

But I must, this is awesome and I didn't realize it was a real song…thank you!

I was thinking something more like this

Highlights from the episode