
Actually, it was January 2017.

I hemmed and hawed about whether to write a comment here because I'm not trying to make a specific political point and who's going to read this anyways

"After the break, the 'Sprint Fight the System Award sponsored by Hyundai!'"

Last time I was on that train ("The Biden Acela") a month ago, Jared Kushner was on my train car. People were surprisingly excited and positive (taking pictures with him, etc.). I didn't get a picture with him, but this was right before he went to Iraq and had that awesome sunglasses/blazer/body armor picture taken,

I worry that the AV Club is turning into a Buzzfeed ad on my Facebook page.

I'm in! Where do I send my check?

I happened to listen to his WTF episode and I think it's a testament to Marc Maron's interview skills and ability to corral his interviewees that, as much as I tend to dislike Michael Moore, it was a really well spent and interesting hour.

Yeah, but can't you imagine Nimoy, Kelly, and Doohan saying the same thing about Shatner? That's what made the casting of Galaxyquest so great!

Jimmy Fallon drove me nuts with his giggling in SNL and his dancing, trump loving late night gig is pretty terrible too. But he nailed the emotional arc of a man-child growing up in Fever Pitch. Love that movie. And, coincidentally, I've never been that much of a Drew Barrymore fan, but she was great as well, with a

What does "was taxied" supposed to mean? I feel like that's an important thing to get right to understand the flight attendants' point of view.

I did not like this movie and I wish that she had destroyed the wedding more.

I agree. You have to watch this in its historical context. And, yes, in 1993, "don't be shitty to people with aids" was not even a majority opinion.

I had the same issue with Trial and Error, which had terrible promos but turns out to be great. NBC promotion needs work.

Honestly, the problem is the passenger who came in to show off his "big white man" bonafides by picking a fight with the flight attendant. If someone is currently in danger, by all means, step in, but when the woman is standing there with her child crying and other passengers are calmly moving through, why step in

But I had plausible deniability!

True story: I went to Pittsburgh for the weekend once and all the hotels were booked solid and then I weirdly found that the Sheraton had lots of rooms. Turned out that it was the Furry convention in Pittsburgh that weekend, but that participants had been banned by that hotel because one of the Furry's took it the

Everyone I think I can't hate my mayor more, he says something new. What an opportunistic (corrupt) asshole.

Great comment and great user name/picture!

You're right, the analytics don't hold up. The Pepsi ad that you have to click a link to see is an evil corporation co-opting protest movements to sell soda and the State Street statue plopped in a public space is a benevolent corporation saying something really smart about women (or something) to sell a mutual fund.

That the scene ends dramatically with an exit by Jimmy and a reveal and you're left with "is this the breaking point for the two brothers." Then this season starts moments before the previous season before ended followed by Jimmy making a phone call and going back into the room and having a half-pleasant chat that