
Well, there was this…

First of all, it's a terrific movie that's very thoughtful and well constructed (and the single shot stuff is amazing).

This feels like they found this by going to to a market-focus group comprised of people who only know about these movies from reading Fandango summaries.

You make a good point - books and video games tend to define this genre more clearly (Turtledove's stuff or Fallout being clear examples). I was thinking in terms of things that purport a different context for the world we live in. For some reason, I'm thinking of things like the nearly-ok show "Kings" from a few

I like alternative history shows, but this looked like it would be a chore to watch (slow and dreary). I guess I could watch an episode and find out, but it's faster to ask the AVClub commentariat. So, should I watch it?

We are all suffering for the Faustian bargain made by Chicago Cubs fans.

I thought he looked good - seems like he lost a lot of weight.

Right - and the battle in Rogue One was such a chaotic mess that you now watch ANH knowing that everything was careening out of control with people trying to get out of there as fast as possible and that specific star destroyer was following the ship. It's a much better scenario that (what I had imagined before) that

Yeah, and it was an interesting reversal. We're so used to a single jedi wiping out a swath of droids or stormtroopers but I don't know that we've never seen scene where a sith destroys a bunch of good guys without too much effort. To your point, if you were in battle against the Empire and Darth Vader showed up,

I thought Cassian's speech about having done some horrible things in service to the rebellion so he needs to do something now to make it worthwhile was good character development. Especially as it tied to him murdering his contact in the early scenes.

Or don't call a pass play for that one play.

The deli downstairs from my office started notating that "some of its bacon is "pork bacon'"; I had to stop going there on principle alone.

Maybe I didn't pay enough attention at first or I got so engrossed in the later Veronica Mars mysteries, strong character development, and stories that I kinda forgot that whole linkage of the song to the original premise (since it all happens in flashback/exposition). And how Lily's death changed Veronica's

This is one of my top two movies of all time (with It's a Wonderful Life - I haven't seen them as a double feature quite yet).

I feel like the basic premise of this show is too messy to work well. I have so many logistical questions and concerns about story holes that I find it really hard to pay attention to the themes they are discussing. And, on the themes, don't know that there's anything to cover here that Asimov hasn't already done

I really like this movie (and I bought the soundtrack) and love this scene in particular as well. Unfortunately, the scene is deemed superfluous by TNT/TBS/USA editors and I have been caught twice flipping channels, finding this movie during the Ossie Davis introduction and then stunned that they simply CUT past this

Sad that we have a culture where a rape victim feels like she can't say her name and the name of the attacker. If she was mugged by this asshole or he took $20 out of her bag, she would say, "My name is [Victim's Name] and [Suspects Name] stole $20 from me." But, for a far worse crime, she has "stay anonymous" and

Wikipedia got ahead of us…

Even though I was "in my salad days" and the target demographic when this movie came out, I never saw it, nor really got into the Rap Metal music (nor the Nu Metal stuff). But, I read an article (I think an inventory article) on this website around 6-7 years ago talking about the best soundtracks from bad movies

"Fidgit….Fidgit's dead."
"Dead? No Excuse For Laying Off Work."