
I find him to be one of the least annoying of his generation of actors but not sure how much that says.

This could be paraphrased as "Our side is smart and empathetic! The other side is made up of stupid monsters!"

I saw a parody of Ken Burns focused on the Brady Bunch once. It was funny, but 5 minutes was enough.

Life is short. Why watch crap? And, for that matter, if one doesn't care and just wants to see Michael Bay explosions, why read this website, which is primarily about helping to discern which is the good stuff worth watching?

I'm just saying that even the mythology-driven stuff he has "only EP'd" has a tendency to seem like it has depth until you get invested and then turn out to have nothing backing it up. Alias is only the worst example, but even his Cloverfield, Star Wars and Star Trek efforts seem interesting while you're watching, but

Westworld looks interesting. Oh, JJ Abrams is involved? Nevermind.

Because no liberal has ever tried to vote for Josiah Bartlett.

Using this tidbit to say that "conservatives" can't understand the difference between fiction and reality is kind of like saying "liberals" can't understand that a sample size of three dummies on twitter does not constitute a statistically valid set to represent "conservatives"

From my experience, I absolutely agree, for the first (ten or twelve) viewings of the film. But watching the director's cut later was very cool and set some interesting context.

In my head, the series continued on to the comics after Aliens. But, I actually thought that the fourth one had some interesting things in it…the tone was consistent with the cynicism of the comics.

The Gibson draft is really interesting, especially for all of the Cold War extended framework.

Really have to recommend the "I was there too" podcast in general, but all of the aliens related episodes are especially great. The interview with Henn was great when she talked about the parents of her pupils geeking out when they met her.

Both of them are so fun to watch in this - it's her best role ever (even better than Austin Powers). Fraser's delivery of "Fee too many Martoonis" is masterful and he does the sensitive guy to an absolute perfection.

It's like they purposely created the worst possible (non-porn) video for me to be watching when my boss walks up behind me.

Yep, it's the line of "your chances are very slim" that makes the whole speech/episode/arc work. That whole three episode arc is about taking shot even though you'll likely fail. Then, inevitably, failing and still being proud because you really did try your best. It's truly an inspirational story on the order of

Question: How good was his turn on Louis? Answer: Awesome.

And don't forget how accurately he was portrayed in Team America: World Police!

Or Lloyd from Entourage - of course, that show is guilty of so many crimes against humanity…

Yep, it's tricky. And, yeah, he did play it and did play it his (strong) way - I just think it's fair (and empathetic) for him to note the concern.

He's not worried about what asian people think of gays, he's expressing concern that one frequent stereotype of asians in Hollywood is "small, weak, effeminate." So, many progressive asians might object to making this Asian character "gay" because it wold be heteronormatively "consistent" with that characterization.