
Will, you're good at it, so you deserve it, but you have the best job in entertainment. Yet another great interview. Good depth and, as always, I'm delighted by whom you pick to interview.

Will, you're good at it, so you deserve it, but you have the best job in entertainment. Yet another great interview. Good depth and, as always, I'm delighted by whom you pick to interview.

Given that most Shakespearean plays were either histories or retelling of stories that were already old when he wrote his versions, your point is especially cogent…of course, he was, you know, Shakespeare, so one might argue that he improved the dialogue, characterizations, well, everything.

I felt like they talked about that issue a littler earlier in the episode. The council would be much happier if the judge took over the whole selection process, including picking the individual plots because then they wouldn't "own the decision" and could still get elected. I think that Sand doesn't want to "run the

The L word really did go bad later, but I gave it a lot of slack as time went on because of how good Beals was, even from the beginning. When I tried to tell people to watch the show, I said, "it's not exploitative - the characters are really complicated and the show treats their relationships with respect." She

Agreed. I really enjoyed it - she was great and the other cops were great and delroy lindo was great. Just all great.

I have to agree that I was assuming season 10 would show this thing getting old, but it was such a strong season that the show became "water cooler" conversation all over again.

The reason that people hooked onto the celebrity bashing lyrics was that it was specific and provocative. The other spoken stuff was pretty generic "I read about it in Newsweek" stuff. In an otherwise fairly well-written article, the author's implication that the "political" commentary was somehow brave or timeless

Good point. Let me first clear my throat. Ahem.

I'm curious how this will go. I really like Maron's way of handling politics…you know where he stands but he won't usually go on at length about it and he usually lets his guests make short generalized political statements without building on it or even really calling that much attention to it. I could see this

The article is right about the acting saving this movie. Keaton is so charming that you forgive the directness of the tear-jerking and Kidman really shows depth But, it's the specificity of the videos he makes that really gets to me to tear up.

I don't know how many lifetimes of good work it would take to compensate for having directed Patch Adams

It didn't even cross my mind until I read the AVClub write up, but I've become convinced that he did write the Coke ad (especially reviewing the refrigerator speech Leonard gives).

Agreed. I should have been clearer that I meant that what they do next could be powerful. Let's hope that they do better than they did post Cersei/Jaime.

Agree that the Jaime/Cersei thing is not a great precedent, but I am similarly hopeful.

I viewed this scene to be a rebuke to traditional masculine perspectives about fantasy stories. Many viewers/readers are so protective of the female characters' virginity that they effectively write them off as "damaged goods" if something like this happens to them. Consequently writers go to great lengths to avoid

I thought it was very interesting - I think that some of the reviews I read gave away too much about the context, causing me to lose some of the "WTF is going on?" that might have made it an even better movie for me. Don't know if this review just ruined the new movie or not.

I'm a big fan of the podcast and enjoyed a couple of the first season episodes…then my dvr erased the rest of the season. Now I have all of Season 2 and wouldn't mind starting three, but I didn't really watch all of season 1. Is it fine to watch the shows out of order or is there any serial nature to it that I

Not to interrupt your train of thought, but the Chargers event was three years ago and the NFL found that they didn't do anything wrong (i.e., the substance wasn't banned and lots of teams were using it). They were fined for not handing the towels over fast enough, not for breaking the rules.

I feel like they'll try to match the "escape" stuff from the book, even though many of those characters are missing.