
I agree - I spent a lot of time on the internet trying to "prove" they were still at Moat Cailin. Partially because the edit seemed off, but also because Sansa didn't say "I'm home" or something. They did emphasize this week that anyone Sansa would've known at Winterfell is dead.

I'll have to check it out.

I accidentally watched this on HBO when it followed something else and I found it to be really enjoyable. I'm not claustrophobic, but that scene where they are in the cannibal's lair and are running around and find that hole where the water is flowing still gives me chills.

I found this show to be disappointing. The characters felt very complicated and nuanced at first but the show soon decayed into melodrama and polemical agitprop, sacrificing the specificity of the individual characters. I started tuning out around the time of the dinner with Gloria Steinem (second season), but I had

There are very few songs where I remember exactly where I was when I heard them for the first time. You Oughta Know is one of those songs - I can't believe that anyone could have heard that song and not immediately recognized that there was a force here to be reckoned with.
The rest of the album is great too. I

I guess that I never thought about the fact that someone writes these words down on paper, looks at them and says, "Yep, that's great stuff." I figured the actors just got together drank a couple of beers and starting saying whatever crap came to mind.

I think you have to look at at in the context how things were then, not now. In the early 1970's after Stonewall, the ability to flamboyantly declare yourself gay was a political act. Compare Sal's "secret hidden shame" with these two guys. Not only were they "in-your-face" gay, one of them actually propositioned a

Maybe the reviewer is too young to get those references? At least the "First Black President" reference (Goodfellas is pretty universal).

This was a very interesting link - enjoying the articles

You're right. I think that this show could really benefit from a strong focus in the second season along the lines that you describe.

So, when McKinnon says "Ree-sees Pee-sees" (instead of "Ree-ses Pee-ses" as an exclamation in the science sketch, I had to wonder whether that was somehow related to the recent episode of the How Did this Get Made podcast where Nate Cordray and Paul F. Tompkins get into a debate about how the candy's name is

Eh, I don't typically care for her, but she wasn't too bad. She's got the charisma and confidence to make bad material work ok

Yeah, I think that G2 would have a good point anyways, but the bus stop thing confirms that the writers are thinking the exact same thing.

He's not generally political, but a couple of years ago, he did a really trenchant (and funny) analysis of people who hate the politics of Chik-fil-A but love the chicken ("So, now you know…so…don't…eat…the…chicken…anymore"). I'm not saying that he should be more political, just that he seemed so reasonable and

The whole of Pod F. Tompkast was great, but I most enjoyed the opening monologue, which sounds like it was a decent amount of work, but perhaps easier to put together than the other stuff. I'm looking forward to Spontaneation; I hope that the workload is more manageable.

Good conversation starter. There's a lot of debate on this board about definitions of Anti-hero, but my interpretation of this writer's intent is "a main character that you are not supposed to cheer/hope for without feeling bad about it" and in that vein, the argument is well constructed.

It's getting harder and harder to pretend that this isn't a real thing.

The show definitely got more unwatchable as it progressed. I think that this article does a nice job of discussing how the music became overly important (which is one thing that forced the show to hang onto characters that should've left town from a narrative development).

Um, they're called bogeys? C'mon!

I feel that Mass Effect falls squarely into this category. Lots of sciencey mumbo jumbo, but it's basically "run around the galaxy shooting and using biotics (magic)"