
Agreed. While there's a couple of good tracks here and there on the later albums, the first two are the best, with A Grand being the better of the two.

Yep, I still like this show. I think that they're still doing a good "broad" job of showing the system in Gotham breaking down/not working (which the reviewer, in his second to last paragraph, correctly notes as underserved) - I thought the humanity they gave Director Lang towards the end of the show was a nice turn

I agree. I think that it happened faster than felt organic (because they ran out of time), but the finale(s) really did tease out some neat implications of the idea of mind wipes and physical resets (the whole "villain gets a new body every so often by downloading" thing was an interesting subset of the whole "what

Yeah, is that why it didn't get an "F"? Because with an "F", they're encouraging you to go see it for unintentional humor? 'cause reading the review, I can't see any reason why they didn't peg it as an "F".

Madam Secretary?

See, I think that your third paragraph is exactly what the writers are thinking (and I believe that Falcone said in an earlier episode) with the Waynes around there was balance (no explanation of how exactly they caused balance). Now it's all imbalanced and Gotham is falling into worse chaos than ever. And who likes

I actually don't think that we're that far off from one another's perspective. My comment is more suggesting that the show is saying "It would obviously be better if the systems worked, but they don't, so it seems like Batman-type-stuff will be inevitable if we want any sort of improvement in the city." I think that

I'm not sure if you're just trolling, but I will try one last time.

I am saying that, in my opinion, both reviewers (and I did reference "reviewers" above, not "reviewer" - I am aware that two people have looked at this show) are missing some major themes that make this show interesting and, instead, are complaining about some pretty minor issues. Agree with me or not, I think my

I feel like the AV Club reviewers don't "get" this show. And 1) I don't mean that in a intellectual capabilities or "cool" way and 2) that's totally ok. I just don't think that they like it or find the themes that the show is going after compelling. And, when you generally don't care for the show's premise and

Honestly, if you had replied that it ran for less than a full season, I wouldn't have been surprised…

Um, what about Max Headroom?

I'm stunned at the B-. I came here to revel in the hate and am sorely disappointed. I thought this episode was unwatchably bad, Chris Pratt's charm notwithstanding.
And as the reviewer stated, if this is what they have after a whole summer of pitching, it bodes poorly for the future.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there. That felt so manufactured to create "tension" (complete with the breaking the 4th wall sound guy) that it made it really hard to watch the last season. Luckily, they got rid of that issue before the last couple episodes and the series ending was not

Yeah, they're pretty much the opposite of HLN, so it would've been delightful to see that going away in exchange…Edgy usually means uninformed these days, so if I were them, I'd try to avoid that tag as well.

That's like Tommy Wiseau saying "Oh, hey audience. I knew it was a joke! I hope you guys got it! Let's go play some football."

Without discussing the plot, I don't think that's a documentary.

Fox is actually a lot better than the other networks, but that's not saying much. I did enjoy the critical surprise over Brooklyn 99 ("Hey, TWO positively positioned senior black police officers in the same show! They even exhibit different personalities!")

Other than the obvious (O' Brother) and the opening of Raising Arizona, I don't know that they've ever used music better than they did here.

I may need to try Intolerable Cruelty again. That is the only Coen brothers movie I haven't liked. Something about that dinner scene between Clooney and Zeta-Jones early on set a bad tone for me and I couldn't figure out where the movie was going. I remember Rush being terrific, though.