
I'm becoming a big fan of Tony Zhou's work - I loved the Edgar Wright piece and this is also very good. I'd watch his tv show or podcast or whatever.

1994 is right in my timeline/cultural sweet spot, so all of the items in this list were right down the fairway for me, but I have no idea what the Brothers Grunt is, even after watching that clip. That was so weird. Would drugs have helped appreciate that? Would a head injury? Either it's got a secret message or

This is an excellent write-up. Well-researched, factually detailed and full of context around the subject. Good stuff. Now the actual Cannon movies, on the other hand, I'm sure that even though I remember them as crappy, I'm still remembering them more fondly than they deserve.

I dunno, he kinda seems like a dick.

I think that short quote from him seems terrible because you're hearing it in his voice. From him, it sounds like "I totally would've gotten it because I'm so great; the only issue was that I was too young." From someone else, who had a history of demonstrated proper humility, it would have sounded like "Yeah, I

What I learned here is that I need to avoid reading any Cormac McCarthy if I want to hang on to the little sliver of my hope for humanity I have left. The movie adaptations I've seen have been depressing enough. Is there any sunshine in his books or is it just one steady, terrible flashlight illuminating the

For me as an eight-year-old, the worst thing about this movie was begging to see it for weeks, and then having my extended family go see it all together based solely on my request and having my "cool" uncle look over at me afterwards with that "this is the crap you like?" perspective. So not only did I have to endure

Because someone (everyone) else has to pay to make up for that tax. Do you have a good lobbyist or can help Andrew Cuomo meet Scarlett Johansson? Here's some money! Oh you're just starting a new business in New York? Please enjoy this photo of Andrew Cuomo meeting Scarlett Johansson while you write your inflated

If someone went back and looked at my comments, I bet that around 30% of them would be focused on hating Chris Hardwick, but Jonah is actually the best thing about that podcast (other than the great people who weirdly agree to talk to Chris Hardwick and really no one else). His interview with Maron was also good; I

He's stepping into his elder statesman role so well. Everything he's been doing to promote this album has been upbeat and pleasant but still smart. And that Maron interview he did last year was a delight. Back when I was a kid watching UHF or seeing him in concert at the Del Mar Fair, I never thought "gee, when

He also played a kidnapper on ER and was a terrible person. I would cross the street if I saw this actor coming down the sidewalk. He scares me.

I think you're missing the point. Rather's actions had the opposite of their intended effect, as it allowed the other side to say "look, they're full of shit!" It's like when someone says "Redhaired people are going to die out because of global warming!" and then the climate change denialists can say, "yeah, look at

This write up…was not well done. Reasonable people can argue about what Bush did during the war, but I have never seen any credible source argue for the legitimacy of those documents once they were examined. "Uncovered documents proving a long-running allegation" is a terribly misleading phrase.

I've never cared for either Drew Barrymore or Jimmy Fallon, but this movie overcomes their drag. Good supporting characters, good location and circumstantial specificity and I loved the Who Killed Tangerine Dream climax (not to mention the scene where they find him watching Buckner replays)

My uninformed interpretation (and I agree with the writer's comment that part of its charm is that you can interpret it a number of ways and it's interesting to think about how different characters would have taken it):

Why don't you understand the fuss?

I have to reply with "Sorta." The Martin quote is fairly clear. He's created a world that is honestly brutal with consequences, unfair outcomes, and horror. And there's no perfect knight or king to save you. And his question is, "What do you do in the midst of this world? With no reward for virtue or loyalty,

I see some Father of Mine hate on the comments board that I don't really agree with. From my experience growing up (coincidentally in Southern California) with a dad who sometimes sent me a $5 bill for my birthday, it rings true. I thought that the lyrics really focus well on how having that shitty dad makes it

I think that pretty strongly implies that he wanted someone who would be a guide, mentor, protector and, instead, he had someone who impregnated his mother and checked out.

Just reading these summaries is making me laugh as I remember these and other episodes. I loved this show (watched it in its first syndication iteration) and, given my age at the time, it has probably influenced my comedic sensibilities and world outlook more than any other show. The downside is that my kids don't