
It was filmed in a really interesting way - I loved the undercurrent of the wind making it hard to hear them - they could've not had that if they wanted, but it both made the scene more realistic and seemed to serve the narrative purpose of muddying the "clear" pronouncement

When is "Wedge, Wedge, Wedge, all about Wedge" coming out?

Hmm. I hate Chris Hardwick and groan through his interviews with even the best guests (I agree, he gets terrific guests, but he's hard to tolerate).

I'd be curious to see whether someone who saw the director's cut first would understand everything that is going on. I'll never know, having seen the theatrical version 4-6 times before I saw the director's cut. I now enjoy the version without narration (easier to hear the Vangelis!), but I feel like I wouldn't

Why isn't it called CSI: Odd Couple?

I love Alec Baldwin. He's the best.

I'm pretty sure that Bronn will take Ilyn Payne's role as Jamie's "wander the kingdom" companion.

I think that I read an interview with him where he was saying that he did a lot of his work on the phone from his "real" job, making it pretty easy to come in for short bits on the weeks he was in the episode, helpfully adding a layer of verisimilitude (Avoiding: "Hey, the CFO is in Scranton because we have to bring

Well, now I have to go find out, having not seen it. Good tip!

I thought that this movie was terrific. Good backstory (with strong internal consistency), realistic conditions, great acting and thoughtful, CGI-enhanced (versus CGI-run) action. It seems like there's, at best, one science fiction movie a year that's not a sequel, superhero, or remake and this was it. I wish that

This show was very hit or miss from a writing side…there were a number of fairly "preachy" episodes like "Quarantine" - but, weirdly for an anthology series, it definitely had a consistent feel and vibe…I can be flipping channels and I will quickly recognize the show from the cinematography or tone.

I think that something very interesting could be happening here versus the "traditional cable TV anti-hero man." Don might actually be getting a soul and shaking off the stuff that doesn't matter. I sure hope this show ends better than the "ain't it cool" of Breaking Bad.
Now that Todd brought up that cash thing, the

I think that this is right…but I think it's made clearer LATER in the books. Up to this point, his actions seem power-mad, but with the Wall, choices he makes about Wildlings and their leaders, and the Ironborn, it actually seems like he's playing this like a chess game, trying to get a few moves ahead to get to a

Monkeybone was at least interesting. And the scenes with Chris Kattan were pretty amazing - I thought he was "on his way to comedy stardom" after that terrific physical performance.

Interesting point - when I read what you're writing, I see that it's somewhat of an insolvable problem. If you don't want to focus on a progression towards "a rebuild" or a substantial unifying mystery or back story, which the producers (and, from what understand, Kirkman) have explicitly said they are avoiding, you

I finished readingthe interview and thought, gee, that was a short one, but when I went back it actually was longer than I thought - and you hadto talk about Entourage, but you did keep it to a minimum. Another good one, Will, you're on a roll.

I think that the main thing that separates them is that Game of Thrones is going somewhere. Now, "going somewhere" is risky and doesn't always work (see Battlestar Galactica) and, most critically, puts an end date on the series. If Walking Dead's producers said "we'll go 8 seasons" or even "we'll go 15 seasons",

This week's Cracked Episode was about the weakest that they have done so far, but, in general, I have to say that it's become one of my favorite podcasts (got my original referral from this column). Jack O'Brien has good self awareness and his co-writers are funny and, importantly, not annoying. It's a really good

From The Ultraviolet FAQ:

I was one of those people. Hassled with stupid Flixster for an hour or so, never could download the file to play the movie. Then Ultraviolet promised that even if I got it to work, they would not allow me to watch it in HD. $8 later I was watching it rented on iTunes.