
In his defense, Clancy is a terrible, terrible writer.  I mean, I enjoyed his books when I was younger, but having someone else write them could only be an improvement.

Hey, just wanted to note that I bought this album based on this article…I had vaguely known about it, but never pulled the trigger.

Hey, just wanted to note that I bought this album based on this article…I had vaguely known about it, but never pulled the trigger.

I choose to ignore both and hope that they go away.  Seriously, why are people paying any attention to either of these turds?

I came here because I also just watched this on HBO and I hated it so much, I had to come look it up on AV Club and see what the review was.  I almost threw up when I saw B-.

I came here because I also just watched this on HBO and I hated it so much, I had to come look it up on AV Club and see what the review was.  I almost threw up when I saw B-.

I like it.  I like it a lot.

Also Amy Poehler and Will Arnett.  What's that now?

Having no idea who Blake Mills is, I had to look him up on wikipedia, and all I can say is:

I guess my problem with this series has always been around trying to understand what the goal is:


The under-appreciated Tom Hanks/John Candy vehicle Volunteers features a scene where characters read the subtitles to get the right facts (due to a confusing translation).  Maybe the comedy version of the fourth wall breaking is easier to pull off, but it is a very clever scene and made an impression on me.

Excellent piece - some good thought-provoking examples that helped me to flesh out my own "I hated this season until the last two episodes" perspective.

Hmm.  My feeling was that Pete has always been becoming Roger - using his traditional, existing superior position to maintain dominance in the face of a scrappy up-and-comer.  I really thought that the parallelism between Bob's stick shift trick in this episode and Don's Oyster trick in season one cemented this for me.

She seems like a bad person.

I don't know, I usually hate the plastic surgery look, but she looked pretty good - she must have a good doctor.

Yeah, one of my favorite bits in this vein was in this episode, i.e., when Alan (unheard) explains over the phone to Chandler why smoking is bad and Chandler totally "gets it."

I think that the key distinction is the character development.  While, I must admit, I love the machinations and intrigue, that part is accentuated by a real understanding of who these characters are and how their actions relate to their experience…Martin seems to be exploring the Psych 101 trope that we are who we

Yep, that's exactly the kind of thing I had in mind.

Excellent piece guys - good inspiration and well written.  AV Club at its best (i.e., an almost scholarly approach to media).