
Or a lager drink, maybe.

Are you actually Jason Priestly or just a random, regular Canadian?

I must be really out of the what-old-people-like-me-listen-to newstream.  I can't understand how Barenaked Ladies is the "lead band" here.

Oh, I loved him as Dogberry - may have been my favorite part of the movie. Once you got his cadence and tone and could understand what he was saying, it was a really funny performance. I like Fillion, so maybe that will be interesting.

Unsurprisingly, I disagree.  I thought that Dance with Dragons introduced some interesting concepts about the broader world as well as continued to play with the "hero's journey" expectation (i.e., Robb's death does not just mean that Daenerys or Snow are the "redeemers").

Nice piece, Tasha.  Right on the money. And, it gives Martin's books the appropriate level of analysis and respect.

I agree that the final scene will be Cat's body.  My first thought was that they would do the hanging of the Frey cousin, but you're probably right, in that there's not a lot of time to get to that point.

I've read, discussed, and analyzed the books to an alarming degree.
I knew that last night would be  "that episode."

I totally agree - this was a totally interesting failure -  there's a lot here that doesn't make sense and there's some stupid things going on (the most distracting was the "no blood or random human deaths to keep the rating PG13"), but there are also a lot of kinda cool things going on and it was, at least, something

These guys are great, so, ok, I will send in some money.

Two thoughts on this interesting episode (and, unlike Todd, while I liked this episode, I have not enjoyed this season that much).

I think that you responded better on my behalf than I did.

I think that is an oversimplified reaction to my comment.

So….last week's episode was the second or third episode this season where Don was such a useless prick (and the other characters aren't any more redeeming or worthwhile) that I'm was wondering to myself, "why bother watching this show?"

Yeah, from what I remember, there was some real subversive sense and surreality there - like how that one actor played a different character in every episode (I think usually a villain of some sort).

I don't say it lightly or frequently.  It's not even that it was just bad.  It was that it was this show exhibiting it's worst tendencies…primarily being lazy and taking advantage of its ever-diminishing goodwill. As a comparison, I found last week's episode to have some mediocre parts, but you at least felt like they

This episode is why they invented "F"s.  Unbelievable.   Terrible writing, stale bits, and lots of character breaking for actors to laugh at their own terribleness.

He's generally funny, but every so often, Sean O'Neal really nails it.

Sadly, you're probably right. I'm probably as "small-government-conservative" as one gets on these boards, but this seems like a pretty obvious situation to me as well.  In the government priority list, "stopping buildings from blowing up" is right around "stopping other countries from invading us."

Everything about the media coverage of the Boston event makes me angry.  I'm not trying to "count bodies" to determine newsworthiness, but we need some context here (Louie CK has a nice bit about historical context in his latest tour).  News channels wanted to make this a new 9/11, and I guess some viewers wanted that