
I've been playing the online episodes for my 2 1/2 year old twins and they ask for it repeatedly.  There's no explosions, no overly bright animations, no screaming and they still ask for it ALL the time.  
Made me wonder if maybe, just maybe, kids like to be treated respectfully.  Just a thought.

I know that Harry had impromptu sex with Paul Kinsey's girlfriend and that was terrible, but we need to give him a little bit of credit for white-lie'ing Paul away from the bad people and giving him seed money for California  in the same episode.  That was a stand-up move in a very personal way and reflected some

No, thank you. Natalie, please go back to working on Your Highness Deuce or whatever.

Lady in the Water is jawdroppingly bad.  Seriously, it seems like you're watching a bunch of junior high kids act out something one of them came up with in a fever dream.  I wondered why Nabin didn't do a World of Flops, but I see that he gave it a C-.  Huh?

I'm worried that, over the last year, a solid 25% of my comments on the AVClub have just been me reiterating that he is terrible, which means either

Done.  Thank you.

Just watching the bits of this that they used in the episode, my wife said, "what is this nonsense?" and I had to admit that I understood every reference and that it all made perfect sense to me.

My favorite part of the episode was Jeff's meta comment along the lines of "this [christmas curtain decoration] will also look good at Valentines day, Easter or whenever people see it"  Makes me wonder if the writers are keeping their time continuity in spite of the network delays or because of the network delays.

I believe that this is going to be one of those shows, like The Wire and Veronica Mars, that really start to flourish in the afterlife…DVDs, Netflix, etc.  I will certainly be championing it.

Yeah, Caprica was pretty good, but the beginning was a little "soapy" and unclear.   But, it got better over time and then when you saw the end of the series finale (both the whole terrorists jumping into vr thing and the "things to come" coda), you really saw that they had some interesting philosophical things that

Yeah, after Buffy, CopRock, even Ally McstupidBeal, this just seemed perfunctory and not even that great.  I'd give it more leeway if it was an original idea, but since it was not, execution matters, and execution was poor.

Yeah, it took it from a "what a great person I am telling this story about a terrible straw man" and made it much more about how we see ourselves in the world and manipulate it to make ourselves better/more interesting.

Why did you have to mention  A Serbian Film?  Why did I feel compelled to look it up on Wikipedia and read the whole plot summary?

"The underlying joke of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia has always been the utter confidence of the gang as they embark on schemes…"

White City really worked for me…maybe despite the "novel" construct rather than because of it.

I loved this episode and want to rewatch it more carefully.  I especially loved the way that the "cliffhanger" was resolved before the credits were through. But, the last scene didn't work for me in the context.  While this season had a lot of "you'll never get out of Harlan" vibe to it and Boyd's arc in the episode

Yeah, that could've been a terrible record-scratching disruption, but the two of them really pulled it off.

Ah…I was racking my brain for something that happened in Essos.  Yes, that's a good one.

That's great on the collected volume - not sure why it took so long.  It really was a labor for me figure out what books they were in, to not order the graphic novels accidentally etc.  I think one of them wasn't even available on Amazon.

Yeah, despite how hard it was to get the three stories and figure out the right order (which matters), they're really quite effective and thoughtful - and the links to the "main story" are great.