
Why is everyone so stupid?

I kept reading this and thinking that the filmmaker was Jay Cutler, QB Chicago Bears and total A-Hole.  That would make the give and take tone of the interview much more interesting.

I'm glad for it and it's an interesting way to solve the price discrimination problem for movie-going.  Some people will be $100 to see this cult item (like me) but if you only had the $100 people, you wouldn't make enough.  Some people will only pay $10, but if everyone only paid $10, you wouldn't get there.  Now,

I agree - the poison and cowardice that comes out of that guy in that conversation with Ed Norton in the car makes my skin crawl - even after reading this very pleasant interview with a very interesting, generous guy, I think that memory would cause me to still initially shrink with revulsion if I saw Stacy Keach

My read (charitable, I will admit) is that he actually sent that text when he was hiding in the other room before he was found.

Yeah, I would think that once they helped Drew get set up, they would probably get murderized themselves by Tonin's crew if it ever got out that they had helped him.

I thought this episode was very funny.  Maybe just because, like Winger, I watched a lot of Hogan's Heroes out of context without supervision.  But, funny nonetheless.

Wasn't the Jody episode like the first or second of the season?  Seems like a lot has happened in this world in just six days…is that possible?

Ah, so that was global sympathy with a little bit (or a lot) of "well, you have to admit that you kinda deserved it, don't you?"

How, exactly, should one use "global sympathy"?

Boy, he seems like a totally decent guy. Humble but still excited about the business and glad to be doing the work that he is doing.

Excellent, thought-provoking article.   What I hope for in this article category.

I'm glad I went through the comments before posting, because this is exactly what I was thinking.  These aren't even my favorite individual U2 songs and I  like the rest of the album as far as it goes, but the first three songs here just flow so well into one another as complements and contrasts that, even today, in

I really thought I heard strains of "y'all are brutalizing me" playing in the background of the scene where they took Jenna's mirror away.

Man, a lot of these are really good "finds" that I've had myself- based on that, I'll have to take a look at the others to see if there is a good correlation.

I think that they're cool if your grandfather killed a nazi to get it.  Otherwise, yeah, not a great conversation piece.

I love this. No irony or criticism.

I only like his podcast because of who he gets on there.  He and his crew are tedious and unfunny.

Yeah, that's just plain old funny.

Yeah, I noticed that too…very strange.