
Sounds like you watch a lot of Fox news.  I have no idea who most of those people are other than Huckabee or O'Reilly, whom I saw on the Daily Show.

Not talking about the bias or the sensationalism - I'm referencing the manipulation of the tape and the transcript to create a lie that fits an agenda.  Your original comment was that, unlike Fox, they don't lie…well, yeah, like Fox, they lie.

Not talking about the bias or the sensationalism - I'm referencing the manipulation of the tape and the transcript to create a lie that fits an agenda.  Your original comment was that, unlike Fox, they don't lie…well, yeah, like Fox, they lie.

Is it not true?  The people who got fired over it must be pissed if it's not.

Is it not true?  The people who got fired over it must be pissed if it's not.

Yeah, like this:

Yeah, like this:

From following the link to his post, my impression is that he still seems to think that it's ok to lie if it "raises awareness"

From following the link to his post, my impression is that he still seems to think that it's ok to lie if it "raises awareness"

Exactly, he never apologized in the that follow-up to on TAL.  He just let his silence confirm Ira Glass's criticism and dissembled wherever he could.  He is a bad person. Absolute poison.

Exactly, he never apologized in the that follow-up to on TAL.  He just let his silence confirm Ira Glass's criticism and dissembled wherever he could.  He is a bad person. Absolute poison.

I really liked this episode but got a totally different read.  I thought that there was a lot about the passing from one generation (Don, Roger, Joan) to the next.  Don, always the young hotshot is left complaining about "the kids", including his wife.  Roger has gotten comfortable with the senior mentor role. Joan

10^23 not 10^-23, right?

I liked this episode better than some of the better-reviewed ones, but that may be because I was so interested in the streamlining that they did, which, in general, I think works.  In retrospect, the book really doesn't need the siege at Storms End, although it was more logical from Davos the smuggler perspective.

Given how good his lyrics are, his prose writing is pretty terrible.  Axl is a genius, full-stop, but his crazy doesn't play well with others.  In my opinion, he's trying to protect his own, weird fragile psyche and firing crap in random directions ineffectively.

I hate to say it, but he's kind of right.  I loved The Wire (and watched it real-time, so I guess I'm awesome) and will recommend it to everyone.

See, now, I think that Megan is pretty awesome.  Obviously, her defining scene is last year when she cleaned up the milkshake mess without screaming, but I think that they've done a lot to give her backbone and character.  Her line about how Don wasn't too broken up about Betty to miss the concert was absolutely

I'm liking this show more and more - I hope it makes it awhile.

Never understood why the dietitian line didn't get more play…that's the first thing that pops into my mind when I think of this wonderful, wonderful movie.

Good article.  Nice work.