
Have you ever actually spoken to a conservative or did you just read about them on the Huffington Post? I'm pretty far to the right and I dislike Limbaugh nearly as much as I dislike Maher.

Also, hatchet jobs are boring tv.  I watched Recount almost the whole time with my finger on the remote, just about to switch - it was close to annoying (especially Kevin Spacey, whom I normally like a lot), but was barely non-hatchety enough to work.

Say Hello to Heaven and Reach Down are absolutely terrific.  All Night Thing is great.  Hunger Strike sucks and I deleted from from my iTunes.  The rest is ok.

Sometimes I marvel at Tiny Fey's random and yet right in my head references, e.g., Patton with "You magnificent bastard, [I read your book]!"

Little boys like farts and punching (physically annoying)  Little girls like cliques and social exclusion (emotionally annoying).   Neither are particularly great.

Meh, I used to love me some GTA, but while GTA IV was beautiful and well-sown with humor, it was, ultimately, effin boring.  I started the first DLC, but couldn't be bothered with the second, just to do the same old missions with a new character.

She's terrible and I don't know why he had her on, but it was a low-class move to play that song while she was there.  Certainly would expect that a lot of interesting people would think twice about going on his show if there's a good chance they're going to get attacked and ridiculed indirectly in a way that doesn't

Yeah, but the difference is that they are saying crappy things because they are crappy people.  It's not the honesty that I respect, it's the opposite; it's attempt to spread positive energy (ugh, what am, a hippy?) not the negativity that would be so easy to share (i.e., I am in a crappy mood, so I'll make you

And yet…
…one of the best things about this movie is the point that Candy is making in this scene.  He actually is a good person and people like him because he is genuine.  Sad that he's truly deeply alone, but at least he's not out there like Martin spreading hate around.  My favorite scene is the pleasant

Terrific episode - many people (including the actors/creators) talk about this show being funny because the characters are so awful and it's fun to laugh at them, but lots of shows do that. What makes Sunny so great for me is the absolute manic enthusiasm the characters have when they approach the worst possible

I'm in too.  I am ready to do whatever the Toyota Coupe tells me to do.

…like in Patch Adams, the worst performance in the worst movie ever made.

Agreed he was great - even now, that's the first thing that I think of when I see him.

Excellent - I was going to write something along the same lines, but you said it better.  I am very interested in learning how the arc of Andy gains confidence and turns into a good manager goes.

Yeah, the lawn pissing, comments about Arrested Development and Whedon praise did make me think he has a shot at redemption….
…but, to read on, it seems that the lawn pissing is more of a metaphorical description of him leaving the Magnolia set.

Normally I read these and think, "oh, that guy seems like an alright dude."

The Chekhov's gun comment is very interesting.  Watching Colin Hank's priest character on Mad Men, I was just waiting for him to be a pedophile or a rapist instead of (what he ended up being) an intellectual foil for Peggy's POV.  Apparently, I've been pretty conditioned to expect overt Christians (especially in

Forgot about Float On.  Just bought it on iTunes. That's a good $1.29 lark.

Yeah, I was unaware of the Westboro Church before but when I tuned into see one of my favorite bands play a cool tune in an on-line video clip, I saw some of the nutjobs they were playing for and thought, "hmm, maybe those assholes have a point."

This episode is the reason for "F" grades.  In fact, all future "F"s for all media should be changed to "EF" for "Entourage Finale"