
Walt dies and gets 72 bacons.


But, shit. Marie knows. Even if Hank/Gomey die, or are in comas, she's the only one who knows.

What's cool is that I think Walt is gonna go full Heisenberg one last time, so it's gonna be like if the Mythbusters went crazy and turned into terrorists.

I hope that billboard is still up in New Mexico.

It's not even a smartphone pic. Everybody is using shitty burners, just go to the bank and ask for a bunch of stacks of ones.

The Legend of Teabagger Vance

Three episodes till retirement.

Gliese 876 can kiss my ass!

'Low Winter Sun' trying to make a name for itself after the last season of 'Breaking Bad' would be like 'Girls' trying to follow the last season of 'The Sopranos'

What was up with that puff of smoke that Walt sees in the desert?

The show would get ridiculous if Hank was turned into a Robocop.

My money is on Bogdan with a pair of deadly eyebrow boomerangs.

I was not worried because even though the last episode was a different wavelength, it was all table setting for this awesome shit.

At first, when Hank said "Gomie, you stay here with Jesse", I figured the Aryans would show up after that and kill Gomie, kidnap Jesse. Maybe Gomie calls Hank back and Hank turns around, only to be too late.

Walt is a jerk, but he was pretty admirable at the end of season 5A. He retired from meth, made peace with Jesse and settled up, and wasn't making any more meth.

I don't think he's getting his deposit back.

It's okay. Walt stopped about 75 of them with his hat.

Stray thoughts:
-So Jesse noted that it was their first spot when they were cooking. If Hank and Gomie are disposed of, well only Jesse and Walt really know the spot from memory. I'm not sure if the Aryans would realize that there is a shitload of money buried underneath them. It might be an interesting element to the

*Lydia blinds him with acid*
Todd: I guess love is blind.