bill macneal

Save it for the Judge, Tom Jane.

He said some wonderful things.

Or how about the times GOB and Micheal fight in the courtyard.  Why do they go for the tree?

Buster:  He just wants to see boys' Linuses.  Oh!

It took this thread to inspire that?

Hope Loblaw:
I say the Lord has a place, but my body wants to go all . . .
State on . . .

It's just Mom and whores.

Now when I think of Henry Winkler, I think of Barry Zuckerkorn instantly.  It takes me a second to remember he was also the Fonz.

*Tanguy's playing slows, becoming more atonal.  Both men are now crying.*


I was hoping we'd be gifted sexually.

I'll buy you a hundred George Michaels you can teach to drive!

I came late to this party.  Have all the good quotes been taken already?

Wasn't bad when you were a Teenage Whore, you mean.

This is sort of awesome, and yet it completely sucks.  I don't understand what's happening.

And here, Bruiser, is how you do it the non-A-hole way.

For the record, Mr. Perfect, "wherefore" means "for what" or "why."
Which brings me to my next point.  Hate, to paraphrase John Lydon in "Sid & Nancy," is booooring.  It's easy and lazy to just sarcastically rip on things other people create and like without creating anything yourself.  I think it's understandable if

You're right.  Nobody really cares about the output of this increasingly-popular and generally-acclaimed artist.  We're all just hipster sheep who only know the taste that's spoon-fed to us, not what we actually like.  . . Or something?
Most music made at this point borrows from earlier forms.  Some of it, like Cox's

I remember hearing that the early music on the show was done by Sonny Sharrock before he died.

I like the one with the peppy piano bit.