bill macneal

Apologies if this has already been done, but . . .

I've only heard the first single so far, but I'm glad he's decided to put out a lighter-sounding album than Wit's End, which was obviously brilliant, but not that enjoyable.  Catacombs is still my fave thus far.  We'll see how this one shakes out.

That Radio has finally gotten to his Head.

Anything by Mike Post gets my vote.  Salud, Mike.

No, neither Tarkovsky's Former AD nor Sarkozy's Current B.M., good sir — just myself.

Give the guy a break?!  He's FLIPPING ME OFF!

But is Lars, like Rob H., comfortable with his sexuality?  For that matter, are you?  (Comfortable with Lars sexually, I mean.)  I think when I say "Lars Ulrich" and "sexuality" in the same sentence it makes you uncomfortable.  Why is that?

Lars = Mr. Magoo

No!  This is the long-awaited collaboration between W.S. Burroughs and a troll!

Thanks again, Rusty.  And thanks for that time you pulled me off that lipless freak Llewelyn.  I would have done hard time for that.

I'm surprised so many people actually gave serious answers to a middle finger named "hatin"

I bet you never knew how much you missed, dear boy.

Instant Karma's gonna get you.

Indeed, but I'm more of a "Skag Heaven" kind of guy.  Had it on vinyl when I was a mere teen, caught up with the self-titled 1st masterpiece later.  Those guys made 43 or so minutes of the best music of the '80s.

You'd better think about it, baby.

That reminds me an anecdote in which me and Edgar Winter beat the living shit out of Kiss.

Elvis always did look out for the little people.  I myself was an usher at his '74 Cincinnati show.  I went backstage briefly and Elvis handed me a bag of 'ludes big enough to kill a rhino.  At least that's what I found out later when I tried to get my rhino high.

Who's Phil Hartman?

Wuzzup . . . ?  Damn.

I always get Stephen Pearcy from Ratt confused with Peter Searcy from Squirrel Bait.  Maybe they're the same guy?