
Note one.
I didn't see even one camel get punched in that trailer.

Note one.
I didn't see even one camel get punched in that trailer.

NPR definitely offers more than just "entertainment."

Craig J. Clark: What's your top three?

Haven't seen this in forever, but as I recall, there was some sort of disclaimer at the beginning clarifying that the film isn't meant to be a portrayal of what homosexuals in general are like - just a certain group of them. Then the film immediately opens with cops pressuring tranny hookers to blow them.

Fotonica looks awesome
Too bad I can't see anything but a plain white screen. Is there some secret to getting the game to work, even after downloading that Unity plugin?

Jaguar-head breasts.

I remember standing on my toes, trying to see the Pixies over the crowd, trying to ignore the dust that was affecting my allergies, then giving up and just staring at the backfat in front of me. Sweaty, sweaty backfat.

I worked for a while at a middle school with at-risk teens. They complained that teachers made them watch Stand and Deliver all the time and they fucking hated it.

"at times" probably should be edited to read "when speaking in public."

I'm not surprised any city official sitting where the police commissioner is would react the same way. It's bad PR - but as someone said in another comment, it would look better if you said, "Yeah, it's a messed up city, here's what we're trying to do to fix it." That would have been the classier way to respond.

He probably *does* know more than Simon about public safety and policing a city. Shit, have a beer with the guy and you'd full-heartedly agree with his side of the story.

Who's that dude?
That one dude? The dude sitting just outside the Undercover room, who looked pissed in his headphones throughout the Kate Nash performance. He's got either the best seat in the house or the worst.

Good art.
The secret to racking up hits on any article.

driaceac: Hadn't thought of that, valid point. Ditto on the ripping.

It's annoying that my subscription is going up, but based on the pricing structure, anyone with the 3-disc plan is only getting a bump of a few dollars a month. Not really that bad.

I loved David Boring, even if it's soaked in dread. In fact, probably *because* it's soaked in dread. It's not a pleasant read, but it's one of those books, like Velvet Glove, where the atmosphere matters more than the narrative (though I really liked the narrative, too). I was coming out of an early relationship that

I remember being baffled by Hook as a child. For the longest time I was under the impression that the crocodile actually wakes up out of its stupor at the end of the film, drops the clock from its mouth and intentionally falls to crush Hook.

We need to enact a program to get inner city horses off the streets and back into school, where they belong.

Are rednecks not allowed to type out full swear words? Fuck.