
Totally late to the conversation but…
…fond this great interview of a young Clowes - with hair! - from 1990. It's from what looks like a public access show called Prisoners of Gravity, which, if it had been on TV around me at the time, I would have absolutely watched every fucking day.

Gentlemen, I believe we all concur. Let us close this business on the Weirdness Committee's agenda. New business: Ponder the existence of Bieber.

I would think trying to explode the boogeyman stereotype of the Islamic terrorist *would* be saying something enlightening about the subject - pun intended - but then again, I haven't seen the film. Seems like it's not about the "message" so much as how its being said that (supposedly) sets this film apart.

That look at 1:29
The moment when the famished lion spots a wounded gazelle begging to be made into a meal.

Hippies have more pot on them.

Wrong holiday, great movie
Black Christmas. I feel like that should be shown on a double-feature with Halloween. It's one of those movies that does a lot with what it hints at rather than what it shows you.

The Tenant is a very uneven film, but there's some great, legitimately creepy moments. Granted, Polanski overshoots a lot of the horror to the point that it's just ridiculous.

A friend of mine reviewed the sequel for a Valentine's Day edition of our school paper. Good for multiple holidays!

That's a fucking crime. Although a contest with hot girls and lesbians can't be too bad.

@Binky: I support any effort to make "Fergie" into an everyday word, much in the way "Santorum" now is.

Dude, Onibaba is slower, but deserves to be on this list. Same is true with Don't Look Now. Both are movies that are definitely more European - i.e. require patience and unfold very gradually - but the payoffs are always worth it.

Truly great film. But you know what it's not? It's not great for a family outing.

I completely disagree that The Daily Show has no jokes, but I would say Stewart falls back on mugging for the camera or pulling funny voices way too often, which is a very lazy substitute for jokes. It's okay once in a while, but it's basically schtick, and pretty irritating schtick at that. The show would be funnier

I don't understand all the reflexive hate for this movie - or, honestly for the interview subjects. They answered the questions honestly and reading Nev's answers in particular added to my appreciation of the movie. I'm not sure what they needed to do to make their answers less "dull."

Superdeformed: I was in Prague recently, and while walking along a twisty side-street (the only kind in Prague), found "COCK JUGGLING THUNDERCUNT" written on a wall using a labelmaker. Not sure why the tildes were needed.

I got tripped up by that, too, but as I recall, they dropped the "S." Maybe they thought it sounded awkward as dialogue when you leave the middle initial in there.

My first thought is that it was intentional: An "eh band," as in a band you feel very neutrally about.

That, plus the "Great shot, William Burroughs" line that precedes it, is what made me realize I love that show.

Awesome! Thanks for that. Hadn't heard of the guy before.
