
And yet he and his brother have such different careers…it's all in the scripts you pick, I guess.

Once in a while, I wish movies would go all old-timey and bring back intermissions. Watching "Assassination" was definitely one of those times.

Edit: Obviously meant "threw me."

The casting of the female leads honestly kind of through me. I expect Alba is supposed to be the hooker, who isn't the most well-defined character in the book, but certainly has more to her than just "hot chick."

I finished the book a few nights ago, and I think he'll make a fantastic Lou Ford. Now, to be fair, I haven't seen the version with Keach, but I keep reading that it was pretty terrible (not because of him, but just the way it was written or directed).

I'm all for giving pop-culture ephemera its due, but this thread is what happens when people think too hard about this stuff.

Last I checked, a major part of the controversy is that law enforcement is allowed to check for papers whenever they engage in "lawful contact." So if I understand correctly, the problem is what constitutes lawful contact, and whether police will follow it strictly. Technically, I would think walking up to someone on

There was also the steel bracelet Hank Rearden gives her. If I remember correctly, wearing it gives her a feeling of being "owned." I'm paraphrasing heavily, but the sentiment was that love between industrialists still involves the free market.

I guess I'm in the minority, but I actually thought "Weakness was Strong" was a lot funnier than "Werewolves and Lollipops." I liked both, but only one of them allowed me to endure L.A. rush hour traffic on a Friday afternoon and completely not notice it at all.

RE: Gary Oldman.

Salons in San Diego are reportedly donating hair that will be stuffed into mesh bags, then dipped into the water to soak up all the oil. Apparently people have done this before, and you can actually squeeze the bags and rinse out the oil.

Anchors who actually don't suck
Fareed Zakaria and Christiane Amanpour. Andersoon Cooper doesn't suck when he's on 60 Minutes, but I can't fucking stand his show—it's as gimmicky and lame as anything else on CNN.

I doubt my two cents are worth much, but there actually are T&E fans out there that admit they're hit or miss, and certainly not for everybody. And don't think that there's something inherently wrong with you if you don't like their humor.

Thoughts on Invisibles?
This is as good a time as any to ask. Hey crucial is it to pick this up? I've read his Doom Patrol stuff, loved The Filth and Arkham Asylum, then kind of got exhausted. Had my fill of Morrison weirdness, I guess you can say.

I loved Doom Patrol, but I have to admit, I do find that Morrison's strength is he's an ideas factory, and his weakness is sometimes those ideas eclipse any semblance of a decent narrative. I know that's not an original criticism—it's been made here before—but I felt like Doom Patrol really epitomized that.

I haven't been willing to click the link for fear of venturing to that dark part of the Internet, but these fan-fic excerpts have amused me. Or disturbed me. It's kind of the same thing sometimes.

Master Plaster…actually, good call. I forgot how much she drags the story. Well, maybe not Capshaw specifically, but the character is the complete opposite of Marian, who was a far cooler romantic interest for Indy (if you have to give him one).

What the fuck, Spielberg? Seriously. I had never heard that he shat on Temple of Doom—which has always been my favorite of the trilogy. Yeah, no Nazis, which is sacrilege. But it was always the campiest one, like visiting an adventurer funhouse. Saw it at a midnight screening a few years back and based on the

So long as they don't go all George Lucas and use CGI "segments" in the later sequences. Most likely in 3D.

Just three segments?
That lacks ambition.