
The stretch you have to make to accept a serial killer who seems to have genuine affection for his sister, wife and adopted kids—"faked" affection in the first season, and later "learned" affection—is indeed a really, really long ridiculous stretch.

Hey man. It was college. We all get a pass for flirting with crazy shit. And she was pretty crazy.

I don't recall Robin Hood's Merry Men ever including a dwarfish short-order cook with a jetpack, but beggars can't be choosers. That's fucking bizarre. I wonder what made them think kids wanted to watch a show with an intro sung by a balladeer.

Despite my fears of seeing a "Tea Party" marketed Robin Hood, I think it'd be pretty cool to see a futuristic remake of Robin Hood. Like a "V"-type character crawling around in a dystopian cityscape, skulking through the shadows of steel and glass towers rather than Sherwood Forest.

I'm not going to lie: When I read that book freshman year of college, and knew nothing about it—other than the girl I was with at the time liked it—I was anticipating Danneskjold would be like this supervillain who took capitalism too far. Every time they mentioned his name, there was an air of mystery there, and I

Goddamn. I actually read the comic book before seeing the movie, and liked it better.

I'm not sure what I want to see less this year…
This or The Human Centipede. Two opposite ends of the spectrum of light and dark, and yet both sound excruciating.

Matthew Broderick: I would absolutely read Chuck Palaniuk's Guts.

I thought Daly had somehow found a pasty, Southern impostor. Then the familiar AV Talk voice kicked in.

Awesome, thanks!

Music videos, anyone?
Shit, I should have thought of asking here sooner. I figure this crowd might know—any decent sites you recommend for music videos? I mean like the stuff on Pitchfork—stuff that's weird or different or artsy?

Her appearance on Bill Maher last year really kind of drove the point home: This chick mostly doesn't know what she's talking about.

Shit, man. I'm as bored at work as you are. And so long as I keep posting, you'll keep entertaining me.

Don't worry, man. Tarkovsky's Former AD will be here soon and you'll be in good company.

I always thought Palin looks like a version of Tina Fey I *wouldn't* fuck.

I'd have to go with Colbert. When Stewart's on, he's great. But a lot of the time he's not on—he's pulling silly faces or voices, or pulling cheap gags. We're definitely in the same political camp, I just think his humor falls flat a lot of the time.

I always thought the challenge conservatives face when it comes to being funny is the fact that they tend to posit themselves as the voice of sobriety (though I suppose it depends what you're being sober about). And despite the anti-government, individualistic quality in most conservative philosophy, they seem to

"Oh, you're good. You're very good."

I don't listen to the Hater a lot, but I specifically clicked on this link because I thought it had something to do with Rosemary's Baby.

Of course, for every Banksy piece that makes me smile, there's an utter world of shit graffiti and not-as-clever stencil work. Artistic expression isn't all it's cracked up to be.