
OrangeCrush: Was that the lipstick thing? About the camp survivors who were found dead but clutching lipstick, which had kind of given them back a sliver of humanity?

So looking forward to this.
There's a lot of wankery surrounding Banksy himself, but I tend to think the guy is damned funny, even if what he has to say often slips into polemic. When I heard they were making a "Banksy movie" I was skeptical, but this sounds great.

I was specifically thinking of the kind of hate the Quietus was directing at them:

Comma Police: That was my first thought, too. Very early '90s. Very Bubsy.

Glad to see I'm not the only one
I think it's pretty fantastic, but it's been apparent for a little while that I'm in the minority. And I can see why: Oracular Spectacular was a fun piece of ear-candy, and shit, who doesn't want more candy? But I'm kind of surprised by listeners who actually seem angry over this

"Happiness Is a Warm Gun" should be okay with the church. There's a mother superior in it, and she jumps the gun.

I would actually agree with the exploration being the most exciting part of F3, and in some games playing it up would totally get me to buy the game.

Yeah, yeah, TLDR. But one last point:

I doubt wading into this minefield is worth it, but just two cents: I don't know much about feminist theory. I've never taken a woman's studies class. A lot of people haven't.

"….said the White Rabbit."

Horrifying flashbacks. Just reading through the playlist was like experiencing the Jacob's Ladder of pop music.

"Challenging" is right. They're honestly pretty hit-or-miss (personally, I though this episode was a miss). But whether you want to go as far as to call it dadamedy or not, they do something bizarre and totally otherworldly that you can't find anywhere else on television.

Dr. Strangelove says *nothing* of the times? Just because we're not living in Fallout 3's universe doesn't mean the threat of nuclear war wasn't real. There were certainly cases where stand-offs were safely defused. Doesn't mean politicians and generals alike weren't afraid of one day waking up in a nuclear winter. If

I clicked on it as soon as I saw it because the idea of someone attempting a journalism-based video game blew my mind.

I think designing "girl" games is probably a fool's errand. It's usually just a marketing tie-in with a company that sells "girls" products, like Bratz or Barbie. If I had a kid, I'd rather they get involved in a school paper rather than play this drek.

My first double-post! Not quite the first I was hoping for, but I'll take it.

Mini-game proposals related to journalism
1. Talking to victims at the scene of an accident.
2. Reading environmental impact reports during city council meetings.
3. Getting laid off as your company loses ad revenue.
4. Drinking yourself to sleep.

Mini-game proposals related to journalism
1. Talking to victims at the scene of an accident.
2. Reading environmental impact reports during city council meetings.
3. Getting laid off as your company loses ad revenue.
4. Drinking yourself to sleep.

Come now—who doesn't require a little sex and violence in their literature? I loved High-Rise. Really glad they ran this feature—I'm going to have start reading Ballard again.

Pretty sure….
…that link to the pictures isn't working.