
Incitatus: I took it as the older brother holding down Oskar was the first killed, but his hand was still tense up around Oskar's head. It's torn off but hanging on to him for most of the dismemberment scene.

She looks disconcertingly peaceful in that image on the right.

Gitchy Manitou…
The greatest Indian-dwarf-sorcerer space battle ending of all time. I'm still not sure how they kill the thing, though I probably would have punted him out a nearby window.

MBS—That story is indeed embarrassing, but it is also awesome. And it made my day.

The Guardian's review was pretty underwhelming, unfortunately, and honestly I wasn't that impressed with the clip. I'm still going to see it, all the same. I'm kind of expecting a fairly hit-or-miss comedy, but hoping maybe Morris will get some work in America doing what he did with Brass Eye (or even just that we'll

I don't really get the "guilt" over these kinds of films. *They* don't make me feel guilty—but I do sometimes feel guilty laughing over something terrible happening to a celebrity or watching people on reality TV that don't realize how stupid they appear. And I feel guilty because *those* people are real.

The next time I check out a book from the mild, grey-haired old man behind the counter, I'll bear in mind that he skullfucked someone for that position.

And cherubs. Mitochondria, dragons and cherubs. I also had no idea what was happening in that book, but thought it was pretty cool anyways.

So…you guys *wouldn't* recommend getting a career in library science, is what you're saying?

Bill Murray should make a cameo in this as Garfield.

In the Spike Lee context, I always assumed it meant, you know, light up and open your mind, man.

I like weird and obscure highlights too, but the review makes it sound like it could just be a mess. Different, certainly, but maybe not really worth seeking out and putting the time in.

Aaaand I just realized Season Two of UCB is available. My mistake.

The State is still on my queue, but thanks for the comment, AJR. I actually felt the same way about UCB, which keeps getting posted as that *other* highly influential late '90s sketch group. The first season is still awesome, but subsequent seasons haven't been released on DVD for a reason.

For Nathan—possibly. Being Human. It's this weird drama starring Robin Williams that I remember watching as a kid. He plays five characters in various periods of human history, starting with a caveman, including a Roman slave, a Portuguese explorer, and a few others. I remember it being pretty bad, but it's weird

I think people just don't give a shit about some golfer cheating on his wife. I haven't seen anyone defending the guy. That's terrible. But I also just don't care.

I stand corrected!

…are really the original pirates. If anything, this is giving credit where credit is due.

Mel Gibson gets a pass from me on The Passion for Apocalypto's scene of a jaguar eating a man's face alone.

Pete and Pete was a fucking magical show. I don't think any show captured what it felt like to be a kid and also got my sense of humor. And the older you get, the cooler you realize that show was: Iggy Pop, Janeane Garafolo, Adam West, Micheal Stipe.