
Being that into Hey Dude is geekier, I think. In my household, Salute Your Shorts was acceptable. An appreciation of Hey Dude was questionable.

A joint filled with the essence of Herzog and Lynch would earn an A+ from me.

Reality *is* a terrible cover. Anytime I search for Bowie in the used section of a record store, that anime drawing always stares back at me, along with the cover for Hours and Tonight.

He's a dashing Egyptologist looking for an older woman. She's a 4,500 year old pharaoh's queen forgotten under the desert sand. Will she let him explore her pyramids?

….does anyone know what the fuck zoot-weed is?

If this was the Democrat's platform, we would have had universal healthcare ages ago.

Stacy and Burl would make a cute couple.

Chuck and Buck! Man, I remember exactly nothing about that movie except the phrase that "Chuck and Buck" rhymes with. And that it seemed like they tried to build a movie around said phrase.

Good Shepherd was way, way, way too long, and the pace did crawl by. But I thought the acting was excellent, and it was legitimately moving at times. Good call on nominating it for MYOF.

ZMF and Horsefellow as co-hosts. Done.

Pig in Zen: Sorry if there are people out there arguing with you that Tim and Eric are high art or something. I'm a T&E fan, and *I* find some of their bits to be absolute shit. There's a pretty variable quality level to each episode—but tying into another comment I read here, that unpredictability does give it some

I somehow think it would be fitting if Horsefellow's inventory was scrawled on a piece of cardboard and tape/stapled/taped and stapled to the last page.

I actually love both Dollhouse and ND as well. Pretty different animals, though. Dollhouse is actually meant to be a serious coming of age film, ND is a pretty light comedy.

Master Caster, it's also, unfortunately, an accurate one. I remember talking about the movie to these people. Whatever scene seemed to be funny, their reason for the humor was, "He's so ridiculously *lame*." It's definitely one of the films where I hate the audience, love the movie.

I didn't think anyone watched Rocky Horror to feel aroused, but yeah, it really, really drags after the first half or so.

Jesus Christ, some people are reading a *lot* into this. You know what, there's plenty of awkward people who have nerdy childhoods, grow up into (usually) awkward and nerdy but better adjusted adults, and can look back on the shittier times and laugh. The poster who mentioned this being somewhat autobiographical

A lot of people keep saying the appeal of this movie is this mean-spirited humor where people are laughing at Napoleon and all the cheesy, cheap crap in his world. I totally agree that there's a pretty big segment of "fans" that do that—and it was one of the most frustrating things about seeing this movie become

I don't share the same level of anger as you, Eye-talian, but I totally agree that neither Car Talk or Prairie Home Companion are as funny as people seem to think they are. Or at least, I just don't get the humor.

Seeing Cecil B. Demented could have been more fun….
…if I hadn't seen it with my family when I was in high school. I had recently "discovered" John Waters and was excited about the premise. Too excited, apparently, to remember how relentlessly filthy his films are. Also, it just wasn't very good.