
Has anyone noticed that Disney has taken a curious strategy to quietly sweep Detours under the rug?

Interesting, but was House of Rock any good? If it's a travesty (adding John Lennon in season 2?), I fear watching it will merely fill me with rage.

That, sir, is discrimination! How dare you conflate all serpentine factions with evil. All because Cobra Command, Cobra Kai, Slytherin, Snakes on a Plane and a host of others have sullied the good name of the snake…

That's the one. Hosted by a pre-Detroit gangster Mike O'Malley.

To his credit, Norton's got a pretty good range. I know they're not everyone's cup of tea but Death to Smoochy (which got a very nice MWOF write-up) and Leaves of Grass are quite different from his lauded dramatic work.

Considering it's a Nickelodeon game show that didn't necessitate a change of clothes between takes (aside from those poor bastards eliminated in the first round moat), I'd say it's far from the most unfair competition of the era. It may not have been as exhausting, but I'll bet Nick Arcade's silly "you are in the

Is that the closest thing to an expression of approval Leonard's ever given? I'll take it!

An excellent point about the character's age and phenomenal examples across the board. I am even a little embarrassed I didn't note Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design, Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas, and Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps, in particular.

Given the gathering storm clouds in this site's Community coverage leading up to this episode, I had girded myself for the Britta/worst. But having seen it, I would say it wasn't nearly as dire as all that. Yes, Community isn't what it once was but the writer's room of series vets know these characters well and these