Is there such a thing as warm dark humor?
Is there such a thing as warm dark humor?
Her ramblings are as wonderful as PFT's….
Her ramblings are as wonderful as PFT's….
Yes, I second "Rebel Girl," of course. A classic & still my favorite rock song after all these years.
Yes, I second "Rebel Girl," of course. A classic & still my favorite rock song after all these years.
And "Feels Blind" is the thinking person's "I Hope You Dance." Also, for silly filthy summery fun, I still love "Carnival."
And "Feels Blind" is the thinking person's "I Hope You Dance." Also, for silly filthy summery fun, I still love "Carnival."
Well put. (That is all.)
Well put. (That is all.)
Interesting point, although it somewhat downgrades the nobility and courageousness of protecting children. It's not merely "instinct" when a mother (or any woman, or man) defends her children with her life, it's bravery.
Interesting point, although it somewhat downgrades the nobility and courageousness of protecting children. It's not merely "instinct" when a mother (or any woman, or man) defends her children with her life, it's bravery.
I feel this way about 95% of males in podcasting, and the media, and the world, only with them shoving their heteosexuality in my face. It's their grating voices and mannerisms, like they're doing terrible impressions of straight men.
I feel this way about 95% of males in podcasting, and the media, and the world, only with them shoving their heteosexuality in my face. It's their grating voices and mannerisms, like they're doing terrible impressions of straight men.
We so have our priorities straight.
We so have our priorities straight.
@avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus & Andy Daly. & Stephnie Weir.
@avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus & Andy Daly. & Stephnie Weir.
Throwing Shade has spectacular chemistry, they are so damn quick and filthy— Honestly, if somone likes Walking the Room, I always recommend Throwing Shade— No Will & Grace references necessary, they transcend the "lady & gay" podcast ghetto the same way Sklarboro transcends sports. Plus, their interstitial music…
Throwing Shade has spectacular chemistry, they are so damn quick and filthy— Honestly, if somone likes Walking the Room, I always recommend Throwing Shade— No Will & Grace references necessary, they transcend the "lady & gay" podcast ghetto the same way Sklarboro transcends sports. Plus, their interstitial music…
I think the guy who plays Phil also writes for the show, so maybe he gets to hand-craft his own nerdages.