
Yes, Mr. Sherman.  Everything stinks.

Strange Boners.  I think I just found a name for my band.

Strange Boners.  I think I just found a name for my band.

In the comments of one of the DARK TOWER comics hardcovers, King mentioned an idea he had about someone traveling back in time and preventing a tragic event. Preventing the event only made things worse, so he travels back again to prevent himself from stopping the event. I wonder if this is that story fleshed out.

Mr. Fiore…
…I think in all fairness, I should explain to you exactly what it is that I do. For instance tomorrow morning I'll get up nice and early, take a walk down over to the studio and… walk in and see and, uh… if you don't have a role for me, I'll crack your fuckin' head wide-open in front of everybody on the

In that Motley Crue reunion special a few years back (VH1 maybe) Tommy & Nikki arrived first and when Mick entered the room, you could see their faces drop. Dude shuffled into the room like Monty Burns wearing a black wig. Off-camera, Tommy or Nikki (I forget which) said something to the effect of "there's no way we

I still love the hell out of the ending of ESCAPE FROM L.A.
I've always suspected that Carpenter came up with the ending first and just said "Ok I have an ass-kicker of an ending, but we need a movie before it. Eh, let's just remake the old one."

THE GUNSLINGER is by far the most difficult (and mercifully shortest) of the books to get thru. Just ride the wave of it instead of trying to get it to fit into your own boxes of perception and you'll be fine.

My never-gonna-happen dream cast:
ROLAND - Daniel Day-Lewis
EDDIE - Emile Hirsch
SUSANNAH - Zoe Saldana
JAKE - Whatever kid Spielberg isn't using at the time
CALLAHAN - Ian McKellen
FLAGG/MARTEN - Michael Sheen

Hopefully Black Cock will at least be featured on the soundtrack.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
No mention of the Granddad makeup in the original Texas Chainsaw?
Although, that makeup was so bad that it actually contributed to the random-WTF horror that makes the whole movie so scary.

It is indeed Al B. Sure!.
And I hate myself for knowing that.

Does Al B. Sure think he posing for an album cover, probably with a pink cursive font?

…all of you are homosexuals too!!

What a totally outrageous paradigm.

Kevin Dillon bathes in the blood of virgins nightly and uses a facial scrub made from the tears baby albino giraffes.

The Mentalest
Still waiting for the spin-offs, The Mental and The Mentaler starring Chris Burke and that palsy chick from the Facts of Life.

Watchoo like 'a eat up n err?

I guaran-damn-tee that if Axl wasn't such a flake, GnR would be in the conversation with The Stones, The Who and Zeppelin as one of the best rock bands ever.

Up All Night
Good to see that Rhonda Shear's career is getting revived. I once again look forward to her fractured take on modern life.