
Lucky13, next time you accuse somebody of being a pedophile on a discussion board, please have more arguments and less ad hominem because there's probably no worse accusation that one can make about a person. It's honestly because of attitudes like yours that shit like Jordan, Minnesota can occur.

And yet, even that theory made more sense than whatever the hell happened tonight.

Oh phew. For a moment, I was worried that you may have actually had a point and that you weren't just trying to stir shit up.

Why? What possible unwholesome thoughts do you think I have?

Yeah, that must mean that I'm a complete pervert.

OK, because I'm tired of complaining about her plot line, I'm a little curious about something regarding Arya. When she was in bed, there was a close-up of her hand being held by the actress. Was this just a cute little detail of somebody finally showing affection towards this girl or was there some sort of romantic

>Maybe the show could have done better with Arya's plot, but I don't what else it would have been.

I believe that there can be a satisfactory conclusion to anything. As bizarre as it may seem to send Arya to Braavos, there are many possible scenerios that could end logically and end with lessons properly learned.

In my paradise, he is chilling with Xaro Xan Daxos, Syrio Forel, and Stannis Baratheon as they plot revenge against whoever led this show's subplots astray.

To be fair, the execution of the Riverrun siege in AFFC was equally as anti-climatic. And although (seemingly) killing off the Blackfish off-screen was a little lame, GRRM having him literally swim away from battle was quite ridiculous.

>Starks are quite hard to kill

So this gets a B-. That's generous.

I'm fine with having no Stoneheart. However, I'm not fine with the Brotherhood without Banners contradicting their name by suddenly colluding with the North.

Can somebody explain to me why Jaqen H'ghar said that Arya was finally no one? Because she killed that one-dimensional wench? I don't get his reasoning. And why does Arya have invincible intestines and an infinite amount of blood?

Indeed. I have a feeling that had they instead went for the Kingsmoot subplot in all its dull glory, fans would be asking why they didn't choose the Queenmaker scheme instead.