A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Not at every college though. At mine, they couldn't throw parties on their own (they got around this by throwing "joint" parties with a fraternity they were friendly with, that the fraternity was officially throwing). They also couldn't be in freestanding, off-campus buildings—all three were situated in their own

So that's her name. I've been calling her Anna Camp's Understudy since UnReal.

The first "Belle" riff, yeah

I remember seeing one of his videos, thinking it was funny, then showing it to a likeminded friend and realizing halfway through what a HORRIBLE mistake I had made.

I'm still pleasantly surprised American Crime survived. Did the A.V. Club ever mention that? I kept looking.

Disney coding their villains as effeminate or queer was kind of a thing (not just Jafar but Scar as well, Ursula's design is based on a famous drag queen, and so on) to the point that Enchanted made a joke about it.

Christ who sometimes dressed like a couch, bless her. Jesus is a biscuit.

It's an amazing apple vs. a fantastic orange.

A bit of T about Kim confirmed my opinion of her. Apparently her Bitch Perfect outfit (the gorgeous peach gown with the blonde glamour) was her intended top four look, but she busted it out early to stay out of the bottom 2—I think she was well aware she couldn't ever be bottom 2, and played accordingly.

It was rather plain, but it was also the longest her legs have ever looked. Which is pretty long.

My pet theory is that Jon Connington's hurtling toward murdering Tommen for tragedy and irony, but the Dornish seem to have (surprisingly awkwardly, given that they were already doing something similar) absorbed those threads.

I was going to make a joke about how maybe it's the same Becky from Baby Got Back but had the foresight to Google the two together first and…

Sexy baby legs was hard to look at/creepy as hell. Still love her, though.

2. Naomi went from a non entity to one of my very favorites. Did y'all see the Naomi Smalls AS Derrick Berry AS Britney Spears AS the Tin Woodsman thing she posted last week? I died.

I agree her ultimate actions are monstrous, but that much has been clear for a while. What this episode did was to recast what seemed like calculated, Machiavellian ploys into panicked, impulsive, emotional reactions from an overwhelmingly suffering young woman who just needed the 10-year-old gaping wound in her heart

I felt horribly for both Willa and Ben through the whole thing. I'm sure some found it mawkish, but the shot of them in the car where Alison Pill was suddenly replaced by 13-year-old Willa broke my heart.

Just chilling until it's time for them to —surprise! — show up in Hades's grasp for some sort of climax.

Whereas people only live in Gotham to prove a point

I dug that there was a sense that Paradise Island was a kind of feminist utopia minus any sense of intersectionality, and that's what Diana's rebellion ultimately starts to bring to the island. Steve discusses the black experience briefly, Beth calls them out on body-type (and ultimately what resembles classist)

Biggest struggle on the Misfits reboot will probably be casting. The U.K. cast (with one notable, racist, cabbie-assaulting exception, and even she was a pretty good actress) were all major finds, and grounded a lot of the crazy plotting.