A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay riffs on this too with Luna Moth, whose boobs are as big as her head. Sammy even makes a nervous joke about titillating 14-year-old boys.

At first I found his out-loud claiming of Lesbian/Gay Cred offputting, too. But then he namedropped Tom of Finland while describing the real-life Pornstache and I had to concede the point.

My LCS didn't get its shipment of it either—I had to take a jog to a nicer but farther shop to pick up my copy (It's great, btw).

Almost happened at my small Washington liberal arts college when the album was released (I was a theater major). One of the professors was talking for a good six months about conversations with Colin Meloy about it, then bam, we did this terrible original musical about coatcheck girls.

A The Sunset Tree musical would be devastating.

Martin's contribution to a short story collection called Dangerous Women describes an earlier Targaryen/Blackfyre conflict involving someone very much like Aegon IV and someone very much like Dany, and suggests some dark, upsetting things are destined to happen between the contemporary two.

I really, really regret looking that word up on urban dictionary a few years ago. Thanks for using it, I'll be over here vomiting.

At first it seemed refreshing that Clarke was pointedly ignoring it, but now it's full speed ahead anyway.

The 100 is pretty fun. It surprises just enough to keep my interest even if, as noted below, watching the characters lead a gang of awful teenagers as they trial-and-error their way through PoliSci 101 can get real tedious.

There was a joke this season that's stuck with me as one of my favorite things I've seen in a while, and it wasn't even the focus of the gag. Danny was trying to prove around the office and to Mindy that he could listen to people's personal problems, and Mindy politely blew him off, then asked Peter into her office

Doesn't matter who wins between the two of them (because no way is it gonna be Courtney), this needs to happen for the narrative to be complete. It works either way.

Pretty on point review. I'm not sure whether to give props to Fox for sticking with a show that has a whole bunch of nice elements that aren't quite gelling yet (but are getting there), or to remind myself that that's the mentality that creates Up All Night. I will say that whenever I do watch this show, I really

I'm going to miss Miss Joslyn Fox. She may have been a glitter-farting kitten who talked far too much about events relating to Cher and vaginas, but she was good enough, she was smart enough, and damnit, people liked her.

I think it's a combination of that (which also explains why Queenie suddenly couldn't do Vitalum Vitalis anymore), and to start finally, FINALLY telling Cordelia's story. Ultimately, the (story-internal) tragedy of the season is that none of this should have happened. Fiona never should have abandoned the coven and

I'm feeling the need to vent for a moment. Can I just say: If you're looking for a campy horror show that presents a supernatural heterosexual girl as a metaphor for a gay person, may I FUCKING SUGGEST TRUE BLOOD INSTEAD.

Most Horrifying Moment of the Season: watching this episode in a crowded gay bar and realizing that those Slate people had a point as Cordelia makes her statement. And then my ex-boyfriend, who never would watch True Blood with me, as if to nail home the point, yells from across the bar "She's coming out of the

Hooray for John Boyega being in more things. He was really, really good in Attack the Block.

I feel you've keyed into the thread we're really supposed to be pulling further upthread, and here you've keyed into the problem. They didn't figure out what the thread was supposed to be until they decided they weren't dragging this shitshow out more than one season. It's all technically thematically supported, but

When it was just the Paula Deen thing, it was nicely sinister and insidious. When they added in Weiner and it became a Bigger Statement it became stupid.

"Average" seems like an apt, if counter-intuitive, way to describe Murder House. It's like trying to describe how a simulatenous B+/F balances out.