A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Yup. Will won. In every manner of the word that matters outside of himself, Will lost big time this episode. In the only way that truly matters, in the conflict that had the truest stakes this season, he won (with a key assist from Alana). Hannibal can try to play with Will from between the bars (maybe he still thinks

Yes, at first I was happy to be learning how to read. It seemed exciting and magical, but then I read this: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I read every last word of this garbage, and because of this piece of shit, I am never reading again!

I just want to say, Emily, that though there were times I wanted you to stop with the examining of the show's viewpoint and talk about the funny bits, I really do appreciate that you've pointed it out. There were so many things about this show (its dominantly female viewpoint i.e. the notion that it would actually

Rapturepalooza is the other post-apocalyptic comedy this summer starring Craig Robinson.

I definitely thought he was supposed be at least indicating it. He had a line that implied "Monday June" had called him out on it ("which is insane to me"), which was almost immediately followed by the line about so enjoying glitter.

I loved how grim and determined she looked as she showed (Good Morning) America her "fried eggs."


I like to think Sam won Featured Actor despite how tiny his part is, and Smash just didn't care enough about him to show it.

"Give 'em the biiiig finish"
This song was very lackluster

Well then.

It probably says something bad about me that the whole way through this I was thinking "Just chop off one of Ken Jeong's feet! Bam. No more running."

I have very little to say except that this is one of my favorite television shows, I'm so glad you did these reviews, and I'm looking forward to your interview with the creators very much.

Nah, it still fits. There's a lag between her getting hired and starting work at the firm—she starts there at "Paris."

Eh, between her voice, the Everybody Loves Raymond-PTSD, and knowing what I know about her, I just can't enjoy her. I enjoy Neil Flynn a lot, and enjoyed Sue immensely the one episode I watched, but then she showed up and I instinctively changed the channel. If I ever hear her signature nasal, entitled whine again

Well, maybe one day the texting and driving will come back to get him. It's not worth the risk!

I can see the appeal and value of this, but I still break out in hives whenever Patricia Heaton shows up on my television.

Jeremy Jordan was working so very, very hard to make the Jimmy redemption storyline stick. And it was working! I actually believed that a young guy was so devastated by the death of his friend who had never given up on him in life, that after his death he would be moved to make himself who his friend always knew he

Indeed. That was monumentally uncomfortable, and not for any intended reasons.

With two separate poster boards next to each other, with the dialogue already delineating one representing "Lead" and the other representing the other category?

In professional discussions for a legitimate campaign at winning the award? These are stage people, they would be calling it by its correct name. It was a nice bit of actual Broadway color for Tom to offhandedly say "Madeline Kahn got 'featured' for it," which makes the dumbing-down or flub here all the more