
I haven't checked out Red All Over yet because I'd heard about the tangents and silliness, but I just started listening to All Flesh, which is a more straightforward recap/discussion. Maybe give that one a try?

It seems like they've folded elements of June's mother into Moira for the show. The flashback conversation/argument with Luke in the kitchen was reminiscent of the way book-June talked about Luke and her mother playfully bickering.

I was so distracted by wondering if that was indeed Donnie Hendrix behind the curtain that it dissolved all of the tension of the scene. Then when he popped his head out I couldn't stop giggling, when I really should have been horrified by what he was proposing.

Me too. And it's been re-haunting me all weekend, every time I've taken my debit card out of my wallet.

I don't think the show has explicitly mentioned how long each household posting is yet, but you're right that in the book they were three years. So far, the most overt marker of time is Moss' hair: it's chin length in the flashbacks, looked to be just past shoulder length in the woods/capture scene, and is mid-back

Oof, so true. I've been sticking to Seasons 2 and 3 when I rewatch.

Oh look, another old white guy talking about how unrealistic the story is. Sit down, Norm.

I had a teacher in high school who claimed FGM didn't exist anymore. I raised my hand and told her she had no idea what she was talking about. One of my cousins lived in Senegal at the time and had just narrowly escaped having it done to her. She thought I was lying, and docked my grade for the rest of the year for

Haha! I watched "The Master Plan," the one where they first introduce Ben and Chris as budget auditors. Gotta say, it was nice and cathartic to watch a drunken Leslie Knope yell at Ben in the Snakehole Lounge.

I watched an old episode of Parks and Rec and cuddled with my husband, who so far is awfully hesitant to watch this show (and after this episode, I can't say I blame him).


Cranston? Why are you crying?

The way the reviewer mentioned Byron Long made me think it was a name I was supposed to recognize, so I googled it and a bunch of porn links came up. And I'm on my work computer. Thanks AV Club.

I can't be the only one that shouted "PENIS!" at every clue in the 5-letter body parts category, right?

"As a girl why is your avatar a black man? Hmm."
This may shock you, but the vast majority of the commenters on this site have avatars that are NOT pictures of them! To actually answer your question, my avatar and username reference a stupid scene in Dexter that made me laugh. Not sure what the race of my avatar has to

He didn't tap my knee, he tapped my upper thigh. Wayyyy higher than my knee. It was an absolutely inappropriate spot to touch someone, particularly a 13-year-old girl. I've had plenty of close relationships with teachers before and since, and this was different, I assure you. And perhaps you should re-read my

YES. Hannah's story about her teacher chilled me to the core, because it was so familiar.

That sounds awesome. Never thought of turning it into a cake, but I've made Vietnamese coffee ice cream, which was INSANELY delicious.

Especially since Death of a Salesman is one of the Jeopardy! writers' go-tos.

During Noah's kitchen breakdown scene, at first I thought the creepy reflection he saw was of the random bartender and I got really annoyed.