That "I.T." ruling was unfair indeed. I loved how in FJ Matt not only included Herman Hesse's full name, but underlined Herman.
That "I.T." ruling was unfair indeed. I loved how in FJ Matt not only included Herman Hesse's full name, but underlined Herman.
The gradual-ness of it is for sure on purpose, but on Monday I couldn't tell if it was some sort of earnest attempt at a genuine smile.
Alex also seemed to be warming up to him a bit.
OK so, do you guys think he's creepy-smiling during the intro on purpose or is it unintentional?
Thank you.
He reminded Mr. Mofo of a Bruce McCulloch character from Kids in the Hall:…
Please, internet — deliver me a gif of Matt's slow, creepy smile during the intro.
Except the clue specifically calls for an animated film.
I also guessed The Road Less Travelled! Maybe this is some sort of "Berenstain Bears"-type alternate universe thing.
Ok, gonna change up my roster a little bit. Here are my final picks:
Poorly executed, internet!
Holy shit.
Joe in the episode this week was basically spouting rhetoric from Brandon's review from last week and he got shot down almost immediately by the rest of his family and turned into a defacto villain, so maybe Brandon finally realized he needed to distance himself from that line of thinking.
OK, here are my first-timer picks:
The music didn't connect for me either. It was beautifully written, but too over the top.
That was the most curious pronunciation of Brianne I've ever encountered.
Really though, I can't believe ANYONE is taking this show seriously with horrid lines like that in it.
She seems way too pleased with herself/her quirkiness, which is what fundamentally rubs me the wrong way about her.