
I thought his outfit was more chef meets civil war soldier, myself.

I said the same thing, he totally wanted to be the next Jennings. But of course, that would have been impossible for so many reasons.

No kidding. He seemed mighty uptight for someone who'd just topped 100k in winnings. That glare he shot Becky's way was brutal.

Awesome! Come back to tonight's WOT to trash talk with us after the episode airs :)

Ha, I thought he did but I didn't follow closely enough! He didn't finish the melody!

Congrats, that sounds like a solid score!

I don't mind him, I think he's pretty amusing and he clearly knows his shit. And I find him a hell of a lot more likeable than that wet-blanket Kerry that we had to deal with for a while.

I don't think I've ever seen my husband so delighted by a J! contestant before. I don't even know what it is, he just finds him hysterical.

Oh my god, I totally missed that. That makes it so much better.

He seemed more like a chill stoner to me.

Saul's relating of that story to Walt is one of my very favorite moments of his on BB, so I was overjoyed that they referenced it here.

She comes off as very snooty to me, almost like she can't even be bothered to be happy about being on Jeopardy! 4+ times.

Oh my god, that consent guess. I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt that it was one of those things that just popped into his head and he said without really thinking it through, but man… Chris Hansen wants to have a word with you, dude.

Also for April Fool's Day, the Jeopardy! Facebook page posted this:

The A.V. Club:
Better than sitting in front of a television, alone.

I also detected a hint of Grumpy Cat.

Colin's facial expressions were intense. My usually laid back husband actually remarked that he wanted to punch him.

Hey now, the Teen Tournaments can sometimes be good. Leonard was a fucking legend.

I laughed out loud at my TV for far too long when that came up on screen.

Or a slow-motion train wreck. I kept yelling "STOP IT! STOP TAKING WILD GUESSES!"