
@Cutlass12:disqus HELL'S BELLS, ANGEL!

Personally, I'm a completionist and want to see this show through to the end.  And even though the past few seasons have been bad, they've still been entertaining.

I laughed so hard at "THE MARIA LAGUERTA BENCH!!!" that nothing else in the episode really mattered.

You're cold as iccccccccccce…. willing to sacrifiicccccccccce

@avclub-454a7bfd685393329597fdb7a92b7969:disqus I went as a Facebook profile page once too!  Mine wasn't as high tech as yours sounds like it was, but I did carry a pen around all day so people could write on my wall…

One Halloween, my parents went as a plug and socket.  It was a really awesome costume — when you plugged it in some lights on my dad's head lit up!  Being 11 years old and totally oblivious to the subtext, I loved the costume so much that my best friend and I borrowed it and wore it too.  Why didn't our parents warn

"I forgot the joke."

I loved the squeaky foley treatment on Don's shoes after his half-assed "I was comforting Sylvia" talk with Sally.  Such a small detail but it really helped to reinforce the idea that Don's commanding, put-together facade is crumbling.

He almost looked like he had iPod earbuds on during that scene, and my brain exploded.

The only people who wear Hawaiian-print short-shorts are gay guys and big fat party animals, and Bob Benson doesn't look like a big fat party animal to me….

Me: Peggy and Stan need to just get married and have babies already.
Mr. Mofo: I dunno, it looks like Stan's got plenty of other ladies right now.
Me: Psh, he'd totally settle down for Peggy.

I admit, there is something revoltingly attractive about him.

He was in the same room with Ginsberg and Cutler, and then Ginsberg and Stan.  And Joan and Roger, and Joan and her mom……….

Yeah, I think it's just supposed to be incredibly absurd.


So gradually, I didn't even notice!

I agree.  And, after having seen them live a few times, there's something gut-bustingly hysterical about him that just doesn't translate through the screen.  His mere presence on stage was enough to double me over laughing.

Oooooooh that's a good lookin' egg.

Oh, and re-reading your question, if you're asking for an explanation of the meaning/reference behind the quote, I have no idea.  Is there one?

Admittedly I have a really weird affection for this quote that most people probably don't share.  My first exposure to KITH was from an episode on one of my brother's old VHS tapes.  This sketch was at the very end of the tape, and it cut out right at "CAUSE IT'S GOT A METAL H—" and I didn't see the full sketch for