F. U. Hat

I'm currently still working on the costume I mentioned last week (gender-swapped Tuxedo Mask *cackle*), and my couple of blogging projects: book reviews and a collaborative project with some friends that has a rotating topic each month.  I'm really itching to write some fiction, but I feel like I have no time at all

I have a small batch of probably terrible, unrevised novels sitting on my computer.  I keep telling myself that one day I'll revise them and convince someone to publish them, but who knows.

I tried writing a Harlequin-style novel with "how hard could it be?" reasoning and found that it was way harder to do than I expected it to be.  My novel morphed into science fiction, which is my actual genre of choice.

My friend's bathroom had all purple fixtures (as in tub, toilet, sink) in it when he moved in.  I didn't know that you could actually get purple bathtubs.

Woo!  I was thinking of starting house hunting next January but now I think I need one more year to save up my down payment.  Good luck to you!

My quite a bit younger brother will be 20 this year.  So old.

I liked Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge a lot when I was 17/18.  Their image was … terrible, but the music was enjoyable.

Oh my God, that reminds me of the last building where I lived.  It was a small building with a parking lot right beside it with space for everyone (although it would've been a bit cozy if everyone actually had vehicles).  Across the street was a sort of row house set-up of six or so apartments that didn't have any

I had a friend in high school who loved Daddy Long Legs but I keep forgetting it exists.

I was actually sort of annoyed reading A Room with a View because I was like, "Damn modern authors projecting their values on old timey characters," and then I found out when the book was actually published.  (1908, but it sounded like something from the 60s at least)

I really love The Once and Future King too.  I never thought I'd feel so much sympathy for Lancelot, because he's usually portrayed as this horrible swaggering dude.

Pleasant surprises so far:
Scoop - Evelyn Waugh (old school foreign correspondent reporter satire, hilarious)
A Room with a View - EM Forster (I haven't seen the movie, but I've heard it's good. The book is, anyway.)
Angle of Repose - Wallace Stegner (Victorian lady on the American frontier)
The Old Wives' Tale - Arnold

What!?  That sounds awful!

I have no memory of underage male sex servants.

Serious question: I read Shogun and have been wondering whether the 1980 miniseries holds up and is worth watching.  Any thoughts?

If the LIST is complied from Top 100 lists, does that mean it's a bunch of classics?  I'm working my way through Modern Library's 20th century list, and I can tell you which surprisingly good ones have been on that list so far.

Nothing against your wife, but rather the current trends: does anyone else think that fondant is terrible?

I'm definitely a novice at the whole costume thing, and I only really have time for one per year, so it's shifted from Halloween to whatever con I happen to be attending.  It's so much fun, though!

It is a gender-swapped Tuxedo Mask costume.

School zones around here are only in effect from 8-5, are you sure you weren't just going way too slow?