F. U. Hat

I've been putting off reading the pitch document, but this comment has convinced me that I need to.


Re 3rd: The shot of Dora Mae with HARLOT carved into her forehead is the one that's stuck out most for me over the years.

Am I the only one who couldn't help thinking "Iris is a flamer" every time that whole plot line is mentioned?

Also agreed.  I never found him very interesting at all.  I would've been happier seeing more of the conjoined twins.

If you're going to mention how Windsor is south of the United States, I would think you might also mention how most of Canada is south of Alaska?

I started watching it again pretty much immediately after the first recap appeared, but then I had to skim over so many comments because of spoilers, I decided that I needed to finish watching the show completely before reading any more, much less commenting.

Well!  Thank -you- for making me feel welcome!

I've been lurking here for years without commenting, but I'm also going to chime in to say I hope that these recaps continue.  I watched bits of this show's first season when it started, and then watched the whole first season about five years ago, but stopped after that when I found out that it had been abruptly