
I'm excited for Kaare Andrews' upcoming run on the character, but I fear that it'll be even more of an exercise in Eastern exoticism than previous runs.

Yeah, JRJr was definitely putting out the best work of his career then. I'm among the minority that likes his current work, but I think the greatness of his Daredevil run can't be disputed.

Tons of words, character being subservient to telling the story he wants to tell, explicit explanation of everything that can easily be discerned from the art. As I said, your mileage may vary; you might dig the Lee DD stuff.

Did she create those characters? I thought Claremont created them, and she simply fleshed them out in the mini.

The miniseries REEKS of editorial interference. It's the only explanation for how Diggle could go from a competent, engaging writer to barely comprehensible in 1 month.

Your mileage may vary depending on how much you enjoy Stan Lee dialogue without any Ditko/Kirby involvement.

Something along the lines of "Your shit is whack. Fuck off." wouldn't be entirely inappropriate.

Matt finding Elektra's panties on a tree was a bit much. Keep in mind that it was published riiiiight around the time when Miller became the comics community's racist, woman-hating uncle.

The one page spread of the superheroic community's reaction—which Sava excerpted above—is breath-taking. I had goosebumps reading it!

For the origin, may I recommend Daredevil Yellow? It covers a lot of the same beats as the first 6 Stan Lee issues of Daredevil, but it's actually readable.

Miller. All of it.

The past 15 years of Daredevil stories have done an excellent job of reversing the Miller-aping that's been happening since Born Again. Bendis did a great job of reversing the character dynamics and repetitive plotlines, and Waid has done an excellent job of exorcising the darkness.

People fucking LOVE Nocenti's Daredevil run, and I don't get all of the praise for her. The Typhoid Mary introduction in particularly is especially flawed. I read the JRJr-drawn "Matt wandering the country" stuff after Inferno, and that's OK. But I know people who swear by her run. Can anybody provide historical

And he had 2 opportunities to do so!

I was on the fence about it for a long time. But this week's issue really sold me on its potential for greatness!

Speaking of which, read Soule's Red Lanterns run to date last weekend. Above average, solid stuff, but nothing too impressive. I dunno. The entire Green Lantern franchise has felt like action figures of different colors just smashing together for the past 5 years.

Smith was the one low point for me. The man's pages are CROWDED by word bubbles; he needed to learn an economy of text, a problem he seemed to have addressed in time for his Green Arrow run.

It's not just your opinion. It's FACT.

I was in the same boat as you, buddy, and loved it.

Wait, what? When was this announced? I know the character has been published for 50 years. But how is Matt 50?