Joblob von Snakesuck

I read an "explaining FLCL" type essay a good while ago when I first got into the show (and wanted a clue as to what the flaming hell was going on), which mentioned there were several changes made to the English version to make it more understandable to American/European viewers.  The Anna Nicole thing is one of them,

Oh mans, AVC does FLCL?  And I thought Christmas was a couple weeks ago.  One of the things about this show that drove me insane upon initial viewings is that nearly everything in it is a metaphor in some way.  Naota's initial dislike of sour/spicy foods, for instance.

The sad part is you are right.

If you're curious when comics dialogue started to get a bit more realistic and less like narration - probably Iron Age, yeah. I would say Watchmen was one of the first comics where the characters would have lines that sounded like it could feasibly come out of a real person's mouth. Bendis has kind of exemplified

Thirds on Brubaker and Epting. I'm curious though, does this have an connection to Alex Ross' Marvels thingy? Probably not Phil Sheldon, but it is in the same time frame.


You can blame Jeph Loeb for the mirrored internal monologues. He started doing that on the first arc of the book and subsequent writers have continued it. Plus Loeb is a handy target because 90% of his work makes me want to punch babies.

Agree with above anonymous poster. Scott Pilgrim worked better when the science-fictiony or random stuff was left unexplained, and was more relationships/drama with the street fighter stuff interspersed randomly. Also, the book was pretty depressing. All the other books consistently made me laugh and generally feel

Zefram Cochrane, is that you? What have you done to your hair?

I completely disagree with whoever reviewed Supes 701. I'm not normally a fan of Superman's solo stuff, but I love me some JMS writing, and I thought this was almost as good as his first issue Thor reboot. I'm curious as to how you guys found Superman to be a bully, considering everything he does in the

So, this IS a 360 exclusive? I noted in the article it says "for PC and xbox360", but ive only ever seen it for sale for 360. Curious b/c i don't have a 360, just a gaming desktop

Nope, cuz he doesn't look frightened. Also, he's doing the Christian Bale Batman Growl (tm)

Pretty sure Red Son was Mark Millar, buddy.

Do you really want to know the answer to that question?

First Part is an idiot. Also, it's never exactly clear if Leonard has brain damage at all. The whole bit with Sammy Jenkis is fused with Leonard's own experiences, to the point that you're not sure if Leonard actually WAS Sammy Jenkis and lying to himself. The whole "brain damage no memory" thing might be

2 things: Empire Strikes Back is the best movie ever, and Avatard made me want to kill Al Gore. Not that I hate Al Gore, but that shit gave me some nasty tree-hugger backlash.

Ah crap
I just realized those are supposed to be songs. Waitaminnit is this a music video for 15 different songs or a movie with the songs featured prominently on the cover?

I love the phrases on the side of the VHS box
Sweet obsession set the night on fire
Tony Terry tease me please me
Absolute Sata