I mean this in the most complimentary way possible… this is a real person and not a Paul F. Tompkins character?
I mean this in the most complimentary way possible… this is a real person and not a Paul F. Tompkins character?
Very much another "cover of a cover" as with Hallelujah. Imbruglia's version was clearly inspired by Trine Rein's cover as opposed to the original track.
Well, for blasphemy, sure. But once people got over that, it's not like I was ever going to see the uncensored version on US TV like I did on British TV.
I had only ever seen Life of Brian on Comedy Central… and then I was in England and caught it on Channel Four, which, as European TV is known for by those in the more prudish U.S. of A., was perfectly fine with showing the whole thing uncut (no pun intended). Let's just say I was more than a little surprised when…
Run is one of my favorite songs of all time, so I'm with you here. They've kind of been on a streak of diminishing returns since Final Straw - I like all their albums since then, but I seem to like each just a little less - but it was in my personal list of top five albums of the 2000s. Make one album that good and…
No sequels, huh? I guess that explains why Crash Davis was written out of 2 Bull 2 Durham.
Ironically this looks substantially less photoshopped than the original version.
Well, this explains why I keep thinking "Roar" is going to start playing in those Windows tablet or whatever ads that are using "Brave."
With that said, I rarely worry too much about spoilers - I had already had the ending of the Usual Suspects pretty much ruined for me by the first time I saw it and it still became one of my favorite movies - although overall I would say it's probably more enjoyable to be allowed those moments of true surprise. I was…
Phil, yes! IIRC, the end of year New York Times Magazine that year had a bit written by Letterman about things he'd learned, or something like that (lot of reflection going on as 1999 drew to a close, for obvious reasons). One line concluded "…and Bruce Willis' character was a ghost." Not having seen The Sixth…
So you're saying it's another Alexander Payne movie.
But would she go down on him in a theater?
Each time slightly reworded. "OK, OK, I get the point - fucking - already!"
Not really sure why LOSING weight would be a problem, since being less fat can help to manage diabetes. He'd just have to STAY skinny instead of yo-yoing around. Easier to just be a middle-aged schlub type, I guess.
It's a reference to an SNL sketch from 2001: http://snltranscripts.jt.or…
Dictionary's too heavy, lose some words!
Affleck will be paid for this role with value papers.
I thought they closed that place down!
But it comes with a free frogurt!