Captain Assholay

Because Leslie Jones is the real racist, you see. It makes sense if you put no thought into it whatsoever.

"My Hooptie," "Beepers," Square Dance Rap,"…Mix had a lot of joints.

Then we gonna be eatin' like Diane Keaton.

The script called for you to say "yes," but you gave it a little twist.

If anybody gets that trademark, it's MC Eiht.

Sounds like she's hitting a baby with a cat.

“Save it, Frank. There's no way we can beat them, okay? They are tailor-made for Level Three. Last time we played, Dee got "Emotional Battery". We berated that bitch for, like, two straight hours!..”

"It starts out arguably better than any album in history, certainly better than any other hip-hop album, with the trifecta of the title track, “Fuck Tha Police,” and “Gangsta Gangsta.” After that, it drops off pretty significantly in quality"

I feel some type of way about this.

Just watch Cocaine Cowboys. Done and done.

Pharoah's Ben Carson was an absolute treasure. Once he developed that face and that weird thing he does with his hands, it was unstoppable.

"Choose yaself! Ya scholarship's imPORtant!"

Also: The sketch where he and Jim Carrey played animatronic amusement park rides. Killam could make a legit claim to outdoing Jim Carrey in a physical comedy sketch.

"J Pop America Fun Time Now"


Eh, no, Peg.

He was definitely a very highly skilled and very driven individual. One just wishes he had directed those things to more positive ends than the ones he pursued.

Those were my favorite segments of the Kilborn era. The Speed 2 review is a true classic.

I liked Kilborn just fine, and I enjoyed TDS during his tenure, but I think the Stewart version was better—and that Stewart himself was better as a host.

Yeah, Olbermann was such a horrendous douche. When he was right about something, you hoped to find somebody else making that point so that you wouldn't have to cite Keith Olbermann.