
I have to admit, I don't get it when people say Alicia and Kalinda were such great friends. They were work friends. They occasionally went out for drinks. Kalinda was hardly ever at Alicia's house (unless it was business related) and Alicia certainly didn't visit Kalinda at home. I didn't see it as any big stretch

Has this recapper ever been in a relationship? Showing the Sam/Anna past is helpful in understanding the road they had to walk to get to where they were by the time Sam was killed. It's important back story and not incongruent with the fact that they hated each other in the end. What was incongruent was him saying

Haha. Jokes.

So, how did you look after being trapped for 10 months? And please tell us more about this… Are you one of the Mole women?

I find the language in a lot of this review troubling.. "angry" (Bow was irritated but that was a hell of a long way from angry), "terrifying" (the teenage plot suffers a lot in this show but terrifying to define their behavior, again weird and a bit too far), and calling the characters "harsh", these are some of the